Pregnant Natasha

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Listen, I know, I know. She cant have kids. But I thought, 'this is wattpad. Anything is possible.' So here you go my loves, Pregant Natasha.
I wake up to the sound of small whines and groans to my left. I slowly turn over and see my pregnant girlfriend, Natasha, whining whilst tossing and turning. She's awake.

"Hey, baby.. whats wrong?" I ask her before wrapping her in my arms. "The twins won't stop kicking." She responds while holding her stomach.

"Can you please do something?" She asks while still whining. I smile and nod before leaning down and pulling her shirt up, just enough to reveal her belly. "привет, моя любимая мама (hello my loves, its mama)." I whisper while tracing patterns on her stomach.

They seem to calm down a little because her whines and pants quiet down a bit.

"тише малышек, не говори ни слова, Мамы купят тебе пересмешника." I sing to our little ones, a song that was sang to me at a young age. 'Hush little babies, don't say a word. Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.'

I continue to sing the rest of the song to them and at the end, I look up and see Natasha smiling down at me with droopy eyelids.

I crawl up next to her and sit her up before sitting behind her and resting my hands on her stomach.

"Have they calmed down yet, my love?" I ask. "Yes, thank you baby." She whispers. "Of course, puppy." I reply, kissing her neck and shoulders to lull her further into her sleep.

"Go back to sleep kitten. I'll wake you up in a little while and then we can make something to eat and possibly go shopping if your up for it." I offer, to which she nods and closes her eyes.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too bubba."

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