enemies to lovers part 1

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"Ugh" i hear my alarm go off. 7am. I get up and grab some clothes, a queen band shirt, ripped jeans, and some knee high striped socks. I run into the bathroom and grab a shower. Once i get out i check my phone, a message popped up from by bestfriend, Peter. "Hey y/n. I just got you signed up for classes! I cant wait to see you, ok love you bye!!" I smile at the message and continue getting ready. Most of the kids from the highschool i went to ended up at Madison University. Including my archnemesis Wanda Maximoff. I text Peter to come pick me up. "Hey." I say smiling as i get inot his car. "Are you excited for our first day bestie??" He asks practically shreeking. "YES OF COURSE PETEY. Except for that bitch wanda. Is she gonna be there?" He nods and says "sadly yes y/n. But lets not let her ruin our college years!"  We drive to the campus and grab our belongings out of the back of his Chrysler SUV. We walk up to the doors of the school and ask where the dorms are. The lady hands us our keys and me and him go our seperate ways but not before hugging "bye peter text me if you need anything!" He gives me a thumbs up and walks away. On my way to my dorm and pass by Wanda. I glare at her as i walk by but i finally make it to my dorm. I look behind me towards the end of the hall and see Wanda going into her dorm. Fuck. I walk into my dorm and close the door. I finish unpacking all my things and hear a knock. I go over and open the door and see Wanda. "What do you need." I ask, clearly irritated. "Oh umm i didnt realize it but i got moved to your dorm. So i guess we are roomates." I force a smile as i signal for her to come in. Fuck. My. Life. She sets her stuff down on her side of the room and goes to take a shower. I text peter while she is in the shower. "Peter. Answer the fucking phone." I call hum and he finally picks up after the 4th ring. "Whats up y/n?" I sigh and say "Wanda is my fucking roomate." He starts laughing "bitch why the fuck you laughing?" I ask. "Oh shit i gotta go but you better not drag her y/n!" He hung up. She walks out only in a towel and grabs her close. Wow. Wait stop no. I didnt just think that. I had been gay for 3 years and the only person who knew was peter. She came out dressed and sat on her bed. "Soooo. I know you like hate me or whatever but can we please not make it awkward?" I nod and go lay down on my bed and put in my earbuds. Music was one of the only things that calmed me down. "Ok well im gonna go sign up for classes ok?" I nod and she walks out of the door. Thank you Jesus she is finally gone. She gets back an hour later and sees me asleep so she just sets her stuff down and gets dressed into night clothes seeing as its almost 8pm. She turns on the fan that sits on our shared desk and lays down. I wake up at around 2am because i hear whimpering. I look over at her and see her moving around. "Hey, hey Wanda are you okay?" I ask tapping her gently. She wakes up and wipes the tears off her face and lays back down. "Yea just a bad dream." She says. "Well do you wanna talk about it?" She shakes her head no and lays back down. "Ok well if you do im here." I cannot believe i just said that. Im supposed to hate her. It might just be the fact that im a nice person but i dont know. We wake up the next morning. Phew i dont have to get up, its saturday. I look over and see she is still sleeping. I get up and walk over to the small counter we have and make some coffee. I hear her shuffle pver towards me. "You want some?" I ask. She nods and grabs a cup. We wait in awkward silence as it finishes up.  I grab her cup and pur her some coffee while she grabs the creamer. "How'd you sleep?" I ask while still looking at my cup. "Fine i guess, you?" I look at her and laugh. "Well i actually woke up in the middle of the night because i heard you. You had a bad dream or something." She blushes in embarrassment and looks away. "Oh sorry." I smile at her while i lean against the counter. "No no its fine." She walks away. "Well we should probably get dressed." She says while walking to the bathroom. "Well i dont know about you but i think im gonna stay in tonight. Stressful week. I need a break haha." She looks back at me as she finishes brushing her teeth. "Yea actually i might just stay in as well." I stare at her for a good 10 seconds and look away and blush. I flop down on my bed and ask "what do you want to watch?" She sits down on her bed. "Oh um how about... Riverdale. Have you seen it?" I shook my head no. "Ok then lets start on the first episode." We finish the first seaskn and realize 4 hours had gone by. "Hey do you want something to eat?" I ask she nods "yea could you get me something from Panera?" I nod and make my way to the restaurant and grab some to go food. I get back to the dorm and realize she is ik n the shower. "I got your food!" I say. She comes out once again in only a towel. I gulp. I might "hate" her but damn was she sexy. "What?" She said blushing and smiling. I looked away and blushed hard. "O-oh nothing. I-I got your food." She grabbed the bag out my hand, accidentally grazing my hand with hers. She had really smooth hands. What the fuck am i thinking. She would never date me. Shes straight, right? She giggles and goes to sit down. "Mm this is delicious! Thank you!" I smile and nod. I go sit dwon on my bed and we eat in silence. We continue just hanging out for the rest of the day until its time for us to go to sleep. I get into my night clothes and she gets into hers. Im wearing shorts and a bra and she is wearing an oversized tee with panties that barely cover her. She has her hair in a messy bun and we watch tv and she falls asleep so i turn the tv off. At about 3am i hear that familiar whimpering and i go and comfort her. "Hey, hey, wanda are you ok?" She wakes up and hugs me. "Wh- nevermind." I wrap my arms around her and hug her back. "Will you lay here with me?" I look at her in surprise. "I mean yea i can if you want." I crawl over next to her and wrap my arm around her. She nestles her face into the nook of my neck. I start playing with her hair as she falls asleep. I fall asleep soon after. I wake up in the morning and look down. WHAT THE FUCK?! Why am i in her bed? Did we?... no we couldnt have. I look down to make sure i was stil fully dressed in what i had on last night as my memory comes back to me. "Oh thank god." I whisper to myself as i grab my phone and text peter. "Peter im laying in her bed WTF?!" I send the message and wait for a reply. As i look back down all i can think about is how perfect she is. Her dirty blonde hair in the sunlight, her perfect nose, her rosy cheeks. Holy shit, i think im falling for her. Well i never thought it would happen but i guess it did.

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