enemies to lovers part 4

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I wake up and gently free myself of her grasp, making sure to not wake her. I knew she wasnt feeling well so i put on my shoes amd headed to out the door on my bike, to the store. I grabbed a bouquet of irises which were her favorite type of flower, hershey kisses, and some McDonalds. I came back up to my dorm room and set the stuff carefully inside a cabinet, making sure to not wake her up. I go over and lay down next to her. I wrpa my arms around her. "Morning sweetheart." I whisper as her eyes open, squinting from the sunlight that had flooded the room. "Morning baby." I feel her wrap her arms around my waist as she sets her head on my chest. "I have to get a shower, wanna join?" I asked. She nodded, groaning at the thought of moving. I picked her up and took her to the bathroom where i sat her down on the counter and undressed her. "Mmm, your hands are warm." She says, eyes still closed. "When we get out i have a present for you." I say as i wrap my arms around her back, taking her bra off. It falls to her hands and i feel goosebumps go up her arm. "What kind of present?" She asks innocently. "Well there is multiple parts to it. It will be like a game. Its gonna go on for a week." I say smirking. "But im gonna have my period all week!" She says a little irritated. "I know sweetness, thats the point. Im gonna make it less miserable silly. Plus valentines day is the day im taking you out to eat soooo." She grins and hops off the counter, walking over to the shower. "Do you want a shower or bath, my love?" I ask. "Bath please." I turn the water to warm and get undressed. I help her step into the bath, i follow right behind her. "This feels amazing." She says as she leans her head against the edge of the tub. "Im here to make you feel amazing baby." She blushes as i say that. I crawl up behind her and start massaging her shoulders. "Dont stop. That feels amazing. You have really strong hands." She says laughing. I start to move down to her breasts and massage them, feeling her nipples get hard under the water. "Is this okay?" I ask, knowing the answer is gonna be yes. She nods and leans her head back against my shoulder. I trail my free hand up and down her stomach. She shudders at the feeling of my hands on her smooth skin. "How are you so detailed? Its like you know exactly what i want." She says as she brings her hand up to lay it on my cheek. She kisses me and i move my hand further down. "Is this okay?" I ask. "Yes baby. Its amazing" she says smiling. Her face looks absolutley at peace as i trail my fingers down her stomach. Its amazing what one can do with their hands. I start to stroke at her clit from her entrance to the tip of her pussy. "Oh that feels so fucking good." She says as she grabs a handful of my hair. One of my hands is still on her chest as i feel her heartbeat spike, i was circling her entrance. I gently place my middle finger inside of her and move in and out. "Fuck y/n that feels so fucking good!" She says as her chest moves up and down from her heavy breathing. She grabs my wrist. "Whats wrong my love? Do you not like it?" I ask she takes my index finger and shoves it in along with my middle finger. "Oh i see what you want." I pound in and out of her, making sure to slap her clit with my palm as i did so. "Oh.. my god... y/n dont... stop!" She says in between moans and gasps. I go even faster. She grabs at my arms for support. "Mm you like that? You gonna cum?" She nods and continues to claw at my arms as i go in and out, picking uo the pace as i go. "FUCK" was the last thing i heard before she started shaking violently in my arms. "You feel better now beautiful?" I ask. She nods, i wrap my arms around her and help her out of the bath. "I cant walk y/n." She says with a grin. "Wasnt that the point my love?" I ask while i grab a towel. "Well im freezing my tits off over here!" She says as she hugs herself. "Dont worry im getting you a towel. I sit down next to her on the edge pf the tub and wrap us both in a big towel. She lays her head on my shoulder. "Can i see the surprise now?" She asks looking like a 5 year old. I nod and help her up to the main room. "Let me get you some clothes." I say as i set her on the bed. I grab us both leggings and a tshirt. "Thank you." She says. I walk over to the cabinet that contains her presents. I pull put the bouquet and hand them to her. She squeals in excitement. "Thank you baby!" She says as she tries to walk to hug me but falls back into the bed. She bursts out laughing as i walk back over with a mcdonalds bag. "Eee! Thank you!" I crawl over to her as she reaches into the bag, pulling out her food and hershey kisses. "Thank you so much. Nobody has ever done stuff like this for me." I wrap her up in my arms and kiss her forehead. "Only the best for my love." I say as i sit her up and kiss her again. "This week is gonna be the best week of your life." I say smiling. She blushes and hugs me. "I love you." I look at her. "I-i love you too." I say, choking on my words. "Youve never said that to me before." She laughs. "We weren't dating before." I laugh and hug her.

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