(24) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 24

It is strange that a person can want to be left alone and then when you are, you want nothing more than to be with the person you were trying to get away from. The moment Daniel left I regretted not having asked him a million more questions. I am sure he would have answered all of them without hesitation but do I really want to know all of his secrets?

He has already told me so much about him and although he hasn't gone into detail, it should have been enough to scare me off for life. Yet, here I was, lying in his bed, happy about the fact that I am the first girl to ever sleep in it.

I felt bad about how he left. I should have said something nice to him after he confessed his feelings to me but I didn't know what, most of the time I have no idea what to say to him. I want to be with him but at the same time I am terrified of what spending time with him means.

It took forever for me to fall asleep but when I finally did, I was completely out, no nightmares and no mother to throw me out of bed because it was a lovely day outside.

I woke up feeling refreshed but it only took a few seconds for everything that happened the previous night to come flooding back. My party, Kelly, my parents, but mostly Daniel. The way he came to pick me up without hesitation, the way he took my dad on for hurting me, the way he took care of me and all the things he said to me.

He said he loves me. Is that really possible after only knowing me for such a short amount of time? I had no idea but he had no reason to lie.

I sighed and pushed myself up and out of the comfort of his bed. I needed to go find him and thank him for everything he did last night. My phone vibrated on his bedside table so I picked it up and saw that I had a lot of missed calls and messages. I didn't bother to look who they were from. I had put it on silent last night, not wanting to speak to anybody and now I was really happy that I did.

I had gotten some much needed sleep and now I had to figure out what the hell I am going to do. First things first though so I headed to the bathroom. It was twenty past ten in the morning so I was intending on quickly finishing up but was surprised at what I found. On the counter next to one of the basins were a nicely stacked bunch of clothes with a note on top.

Got these for you, thought you might need them.

I placed the note aside and lifted the first item, it was a cute white tank top and beneath it was a pair of lightly faded ripped jeans. They were beautiful and definitely my style but it was the other items, nicely folded on top of two fluffy towels that caused me to blush and my stomach to flip, a lacey white bra and panty to match. It was incredibly thoughtful but even more embarrassing. I took a step back, trying to stay calm and noticed that there was a pair of pumps neatly placed beside the cupboard. I bent down and looked at the size. A five, it would fit perfectly...

How on earth did he pull this off? I had no idea but that was nothing new. Lately it always feels like I am confused about something. It didn't matter, I decided as I looked at the big bath and then once again settled on the shower.

I took my time, trying to compose myself so that when I see Daniel, I wouldn't make a complete fool of myself. I showered, brushed my teeth, dried my hair and then finally got dressed in the clothes he had left for me. They fit perfectly, almost as if I had bought them myself.

I couldn't put off facing the day forever so after deciding that I looked as good as possible under the circumstances and wishing I had some make-up, I finally headed down in search of Daniel.

He was sitting on the couch in the room with the big TV. The blanket and pillow was gone and he was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a tight fitting light blue t-shirt. He looked as good as ever and as soon as I came into view he placed the book he had in his hands on the coffee table and focused all of his attention on me. I felt flustered, he only had to look at me and my insides went wild.

"Morning beautiful," he said as he got up from where he was sitting, reminding me of the day we flirt texted each other. I was brave that day; I needed to be brave now.
"Morning handsome," I replied and watched as his face lit up.
"So you think I am handsome?" he asked, obviously remembering our texts as well.
"Much more than handsome," I replied as I reached him, not believing that I had actually said that.
"I'm going to have to use this extraordinarily good looks of mine to get what I want," Daniel said playfully.
"Oh yeah, and what exactly is it that somebody who has everything wants?" I questioned.
"A lot of things but right now I'll settle for a good morning kiss," he stated as he took a hold of my waist and gently pulled me closer to him. Oh hell.
"I think your extraordinarily good looks and unprecedented charm has earned you that much," I said playfully, trying to stay in control. I was tired of freaking out in front of him.
"That is very good to know," Daniel replied and then before I could respond, his lips were on mine.

The kiss was soft but not as gentle as our first. He was much more demanding as he slipped his tongue between my lips and I couldn't stop the little gasp that escaped my mouth. He must have liked it because he deepened the kiss as he pulled my body closer to his. I acted on impulse and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was so close but at that moment it didn't feel close enough, my body was on fire, burning for him to touch me and I knew I had to stop. I couldn't let it go on; I might give him the wrong idea.

"Stop Daniel," I breathed as I pulled away from him, my voice sounding uneven and desperate. He let go of me immediately and took a step back.
"To much?" he asked and all I could do was nod my head. My mind was reeling out of control and my body was burning and no matter how I looked at it, I was screwed.
"I'm sorry, I got carried away," he said with a sheepish grin, not looking sorry at all.
"That you did," I agreed, still out of breath, "and don't lie to me," I added on for an afterthought.
"Your right, I'm not sorry at all, I'll kiss you all day long if you let me," Daniel chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh along.
"It's not the kissing I'm worried about," I admitted and from the look on his face I could tell that he understood exactly what I was talking about.
"I'll never do anything you don't want me to," he said, his eyes boring into mine, probably trying to see if I believe him.
"You don't believe me."
"I want to." I said honestly and then changed the subject before he could reply.
"Thank you for the clothes, they fit perfectly," I stated.
"It's a pleasure and anyway, I couldn't exactly have you walk around my house naked. I mean, I wouldn't mind but I think you might object to the idea," Daniel half laughed and I couldn't help but smile.

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