(6) Sex And Candy

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Sex and Candy

Chapter 6

When we were done eating Daniel insisted on paying and then we headed over to the movie theatre. There were five different movies showing and all of them had seats available. Daniel said I could choose but there wasn’t anything I really wanted to see so I just chose one and hoped that it would be good. Once we were in the theatre I walked right to the middle and took a seat. I didn’t’ want to sit in the back in case it gave him the wrong idea. As that thought crossed my mind some images I would much rather not have envisioned popped up into my head.

 Daniel took a seat next to me without complaint and it felt kind of weird sitting so close to him. I was wishing for the time to move faster by the time the previews stopped and the movie started. It didn’t look horrible but I wouldn’t really know since I couldn’t get myself to concentrate for longer than a few seconds at a time.

Daniel didn’t’ try to talk to me during the movie and he didn’t try to touch me in any way but his presence was strong and I was very aware of him.

When the movie finished I got up immediately and started making my way out of the theatre. I didn’t want to risk being left alone with him especially not in the dark. I rushed out and would have looked to see if Daniel was following me but I didn’t have to. I could feel his presence behind me and I have to admit that it was scaring the crap out of me. I have never in my life been so aware of anybody.

Once we were free of the crowd I came to a stop and faced him. He had a strange expression on his face and I couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking. The mall was still full of kids, hanging out, waiting for the later show but I wasn’t going to be taking any chances. I had come out with him, we had dinner and a movie and now it was time to go home.

“I would thank you for a good night out but I was too scared to really enjoy myself,” I said before I could stop myself. I didn’t really want him to know that I am afraid of him but I guess it was too late now.

“You’re afraid of me,” he stated but it sounded more like a question. He didn’t look like he liked the idea much but that is his problem.

 I didn’t bother answering him.

“We had a deal, I went out with you and although it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, I would like you to leave me alone now,” I said, hoping that he would stick to his side of the bargain.

“You’re right, we did have a deal but I’m not sure I am going to be able to stick with it,” he said, grinning slightly.

“I’ll call the cops,” I said trying to sound threating but failing miserably.

“I’m not afraid of the cops Candy,” he said, the sound of my name on his lips causing an unwanted thrill of pleasure to run through my body.

“Why did you run the other night then?” I managed to ask, trying to prove him wrong.

“If they caught you, they would have taken you down to the station whether you were drinking or not. They might not have had any reason to arrest or keep you but I didn’t like the idea so I helped you,” he replied without hesitation. It was the truth, he ran to help me, but it didn’t make sense

“Why?” I asked, trying to figure it out.

“I don’t know, it was weird. You looked so beautiful and at the same time you looked horrified, I just had to help you,” he said.

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