(10) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 10

We ate our ice cream in silence, not one of us saying a word. It felt awkward, like I needed to say something but I didn’t know what. We are so different and I couldn’t understand what he was doing hanging around and obsessing over someone like me.

I am nothing like him. I don’t do bad things, in fact, I’ve never even considered getting drunk or taking drugs. I have spent my life up until this point, playing by the rules. I’m not interesting or sexy and I can’t get myself to hurt a fly, never mind another human being and I have a feeling that Daniel has no problem with hurting people.

“What are you thinking?’ he finally asked, breaking the silence. I was thankful for the fact that he took it upon himself to start a conversation but there was no way I was going to tell him what I was really thinking.

“This is really good,” I answered as I took a scoop of ice cream and held it up in the air before placing it in my mouth. I wasn’t lying, the ice cream is the best I’ve ever had and that is a real complement coming from me, I am an official ice cream addict.

“I knew you’d like it,” he replied with a smile and for some reason I couldn’t quite explain I felt myself relaxing again. It is almost as if his voice and his smile have some sort of calming effect on me.

I should run and never look back but instead I am feeling myself more and more drawn to this mysterious man.

Jaden stopped by to make sure everything was fine and that we didn’t want to order anything else and then we finished our ice cream.

I wanted to know everything there is to know about him but at the same time I am horrified to find out. I know he’s probably done worse things than I can imagine but I didn’t want to think about that because if it is true than this little fantasy of mine is over. There is no way I can be with somebody who has done the things I expect he has.

I have no idea what he really wants from me because I can’t comprehend that somebody like him would actually want to be with somebody like me and anyway, my parents would freak if they knew I was talking to him, never mind hanging out with him.

“I should get you back before it gets dark,” Daniel said once we had finished our ice cream and had run out of irrelevant things to talk about.

“Okay,” I agreed, not really wanting our time together to end but knowing that it was a good idea. My parents would start worrying if I’m not home before dark and I haven’t bothered letting them know that I am going to be late. I don’t like lying to them and I suck at it anyway.

People stared after us as we left the ice cream parlor and the people on the side walk stared as Daniel opened the door for me, walked around, got in and sped off.

I don’t blame them for staring. He is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen.

That’s another problem. He is way too old for me and even if he was a good guy, my parents would never accept the age difference between us. They are under the impression that I am going to go off to university, find myself some descent, intelligent boyfriend, become a business woman, get married and live the perfect life. They’ve raised me to be somebody that I can be proud of, somebody that they can be proud of. An upstanding citizen. This is how I had pictured my life as well, until now that is. Since Daniel showed up I’ve been more confused than I ever imagined possible. He is messing with my head. I am so screwed. No matter how I look at this situation I am finding myself in, I am screwed.

There is nothing good that can come from being with Daniel in any way. Even if we are just friend, I had a feeling that at some point something will happen and it will all blow up in my face but if I refuse him, I’m probably in deeper trouble.

“I wish I knew what you are thinking,” Daniel said from beside me, his voice soft and caring. I have no idea what to make of him.

“I don’t think you really want to know,” I managed to say, my mind still swirling with thoughts.

“Actually, I do. I’d rather know than have to guess,” he replied and for a second I considered telling him exactly what I was thinking but I immediately reconsidered. I wasn’t ready for the blow up and if I pretended that this whole situation was normal for a little while longer there was a slight possibility that he would lose interest in me. That would be a good thing right? Him realizing that I’m not worth his time and moving on to something or somebody else. That should be a relief but for some reason the idea didn’t make me feel any better, in fact it made me feel worse. I don’t like the idea of him losing interest in me at all and the idea of him moving on to somebody else is even worse.

I took a deep breath and looked out of the window, telling myself that I was being irrational, that I would feel better once I was back at my house. Once Daniel isn’t around I would be able to think clearly again and then I will be fine with the idea of him finding somebody else but deep down I knew this wasn’t true.

We drove in silence for the rest of the way. I didn’t like it but I was too scared to talk. I had no idea what to think or what to do.

“We’re here,” Daniel said from beside me, sounding disappointed.

“Thank you for the ice cream,” I managed to say, feeling like a complete idiot. Why is it that I can never come up with something intelligent to say when I am around him?

“It’s my pleasure,” he replied as he brought his car to a stop next to mine in the school parking lot which was now almost empty.

“I’ll get your door,” he said, jumping out of the car before I could protest. It is really sweet but I was hoping to make a quick escape.

I watched as he walked around the car, taking in his beauty. That’s it, I thought to myself. I am entranced by his good looks, I’m not really interested in him. I can’t be, can I?

Daniel opened the door and held out his hand for me again. He was trying really hard and being incredibly sweet and although I knew I shouldn’t, I reached out my hand and placed it in his.

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