(2) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 2

 He tilted his head slightly and took a step closer, causing me to regain some thought. I had to get out of here.

“I… I’m sorry. I’ll go,” I said as I reached for the doorknob.

He started to say something but his words were cut off by the sound of sirens. I froze in place, luckily he didn’t.

“Come on, we have to get out of here,” he said, his voice still strangely calm as he took a hold of my arm and pulled me out of the room.

“Let go of me!” I yelled as I tried to pull my arm from his hold. He didn’t let go though. He just kept on pulling me down the hallway.

People were running around us in every direction, bumping into us and falling down. There were screaming coming from downstairs and then the loud hollow sound of gunshots filled the house, vibrating off the windows and roof. There were some more screams and then I was pulled into a room, the lights were off but it looked like some sort of study.

He dragged me over to a glass door that led onto a balcony and I didn’t’ argue. I was terrified and it seemed like he was going to get me out of the house, which is a good thing.

“We’ll have to jump,” he said and then before I even had time to argue he climbed over the railing, lowered himself as much as possible and then let go. I was vaguely aware of the sound of a gasp escaping my throat as I leaned over the railing and watched as he fell to the ground. He landed in a roll, got to his feet and held his arms out to me.

I wanted to scream at him, to tell him that he is crazy if he thinks I am going to jump but I couldn’t speak.

“Jump! I’ll catch you!” he yelled from beneath. I shook my head and started backing away from the fence.

“Jump!” he yelled again.

 I took another step back and then heard another round of gun shots going off. I only had two choices. Go back into the house and possibly get into a hell of a lot of trouble or even worse, get killed, or jump. I chose to jump. It happened so fast. One moment I was standing on the balcony and the next I was falling through the air.

For a second I thought I was going to die but then his arms wrapped around me and I was slowly lowered to the floor.  My legs buckled beneath me and would have given in if he didn’t steady me.

“We don’t have a lot of time, we need to get out of here,” he said, letting go of my waist where he had grabbed to steady me and taking a hold of my arm. I let him lead me across the back yard that was now empty except for a few passed out people lying scattered across the floor.

We reached the far end of the fence that surrounded the yard within seconds and I could feel myself freaking out. My mind was racing and so was my heart. I had no idea what was going on and it was happening so fast that I didn’t have any time to try and figure it out.

“I’ll help you over,” he said, grabbing a hold of my waist and lifting me into the air as if I weighed nothing. The fence was high but had a flat edge on which I could sit. He placed me on it on my bum and I threw my legs over, hesitating for a second before jumping off on the other side. I watched as he easily jumped the fence and then we were on our way again.  He led me out of the yard we were in and then we took off down the street. He slowed his pace to a walk when we were a few blocks away but didn’t let go of my arm.

“You can let go of me now,” I stated as I grew more aware of his touch. I didn’t mind when he was trying to rescue me but the danger was gone and it was starting to scare me.

“What if I don’t want to?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. I gulped and pulled my arm from his grip.

“I don’t care what you want,” I replied honestly. I know he saved me but it doesn’t mean I owe him anything, maybe a thank you, but nothing more.

He didn’t say anything after that, he just kept on walking. I followed beside him, wondering where he was going and what I was supposed to do. My car is still at the house and I really needed to get it back otherwise I am going to be in deep shit. How am I going to be able to explain to my parents how I lost my car? And what if the police trace the number plate? I didn’t even want to think about that possibility.

“I have to go back,” I stated, coming to a stop.

 He stopped beside me and gave me a you’ve got to be kidding me look.

“I have to go get my car,” I said, wondering why I was even explaining myself to him.

“It’s too soon, the police will still be there,” he said.

“I can’t just leave it there, I need my car!” I half yelled as panic started to set in.

“Where did you park it?” he asked. Why did that even matter?

“On the opposite side of the road, about three houses down.”

“It’ll be fine, they won’t bother with it, if you go fetch it tomorrow you’ll have no problem,” he said as he started walking again.

“And how exactly am I supposed to get home tonight?”

“I’ll drop you off,” he stated, looking straight ahead.

”Firstly you don’t have a car and secondly, that’s not happening,” I replied. There is no way I am going to be getting into a car with this guy even if he had one.

“You could walk” he stated, sounding a bit frustrated as he continued down the road. I kept up with him, wondering what I was supposed to do and wondering what happened to Kelly. If she got caught she is going to be in some serious trouble.

“This way,” he said, taking a right turn into a busy street. There were some shops that were closed but a lot of restaurants and all night diners that were in the street. I had no idea where I was. I had followed my gps earlier to get to the house and now I was completely lost.  We made our way down the street and that’s when I decided it was time to part ways. He was scary and I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. I didn’t know him at all but he was obviously a few years older than me and he was at that party so he can’t be a to descent guy. What if he kidnaps me or something?

I stopped walking and came to a stop in front of a busy restaurant, just in case he gets angry if I refuse to go with him.

“I’m going to call a cab to pick me up, thank you for helping me back there,” I said and watched as he stopped walking and turned to face me.

“Are you sure?  I can drop you off.” he said, sounding sincere but I didn’t trust him, how could I if I didn’t even know who he is. He could be a murdered for all I knew.

“Yes I’m sure, thanks again,” I replied, trying to be as nice as possible under the circumstances. I got the feeling that he isn’t somebody you want to piss off.

“Alright, I’ll be on my way then,” he said and then just like that he took off down the street and turned into some sort of underground parking area.

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