(19) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 19

The music was pumping and kids were everywhere. I was a bit surprised that so many of them showed up but I had a feeling that Kelly had something to do with it. She hasn't been to a party since the incident, that is what we call it, and it seems like she is actually enjoying herself.

I guess it could be the fact that she knows my party will be relatively safe or it could have something to do with Landon, a boy from our school, who's been hanging around her the whole evening. He's been in school with us since we started junior high and although we've never really hung out with him and his friends, he's always seemed like an alright guy.

Kelly blushed at something he said and I found myself smiling. I want her to be happy and if this boy can do that for her I will deal with the fact that's she's been dancing with him for the last half hour and ignoring me.

There's been a lot of tension between us since 'the incident' and although I love her, it's put a lot of strain on our friendship. She hasn't been the same since and the fact that I am hanging out with Daniel isn’t helping the situation.

Daniel… I haven't seen him since Saturday night and although I've spoken to him every day, it's just not the same.

He phoned me early this morning to wish me a happy birthday and have been sending me cute messages the whole day but what I really want is to see him.

My phone went off right at that moment and I knew it was him.

I got you a gift

Oh, I didn't expect that, but I guess I should have. My insides contracted at the thought of what it might be but I couldn't help but feel really excited. Daniel got me a gift…

"Candy!" Kelly yelled as she ran over to me and grabbed a hold of my arm.

"You have to come dance with us," she said excitedly. Oh hell no.

"I don't want to," I complained as she dragged me to the middle of the make shift dance floor.

"You don't have a choice, now put away that thing and enjoy yourself," she said, referring to my phone.

"I'm busy with something," I replied, feeling irritated.

"Oh come on! What could be more important than celebrating your birthday with your best friend?" she complained but she wasn't winning this one. She's been doing just fine without me so far and I needed to reply to Daniel's text.

"Just give me a minute!" I complained as I loosened her grip on my arm and pulled away. She really needs to learn that she can't always have everything her way.

I was busy making my way over to an open couch when all of a sudden my cellphone was grabbed right out of my hand. It was Kelly.

"Let me see what is so important," she said and from the way she was acting I could tell that she had a bit too much to drink. Great, just what I need. Will this girl never learn?

"Give that back!" I complained, trying to grab it but to no avail, she had turned her back on me and was reading my message. I'm assuming the one that said Daniel got me a gift. I didn't give her a chance to read any of the others as I snatched my phone out of her hands.

"He bought you a gift," she stated.

"What's your point?" I asked. I was irritated with her before but now I’m just plain furious.

"I told you not to hang out with him! I know guys like him. Why won't you listen to me?" she shouted, causing the kids around us to stop and stare. Yip, I knew I shouldn't have had a party.

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