(12) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 12

Daniel didn’t elaborate on where we would be going for our date so I honestly had no idea what to expect. I looked in the mirror for the millionth time and sighed with frustration.

How am I supposed to know what to wear when I don’t even know where we are going? 

I changed my shirt back to the tight black one I had on before and took another look in the mirror.  I looked good but different than I usual. It was obvious that I was trying to impress somebody and my parents were sure to ask questions. I hate having to lie to them but I had no idea what else to do. I knew what I was doing is wrong so I can’t exactly expect them to approve. I should have told them right from the start what was going on but now it is too late.

I changed the hills I had on for a pair of pumps and threw a jacket over my tight top. It looked a lot less conspicuous but the make-up I was wearing is still probably going to result in a list of questions from my parents.

I slipped my small purse that I kept for special occasions into my much larger bag, as well as my heels and then headed down stairs.

My mom was in the living room but my dad was nowhere to be seen, I was thankful for this but it didn’t stop my adrenaline to sky rocket. My heart was beating in my chest and I had to remind myself to act normally.  I was sure my mother would realize that I was lying when she asked me where I was going but she didn’t seem to notice, she did question my make-up though, looking slightly puzzled.

“I just felt like it,” I lied and then hurried out of the door.

I arrived at the mall with a few minutes to spare but didn’t waste any time sitting around. I parked my car, slipped on my heels, took off my jacket and headed towards the entrance. I did walk slower than usual though, not really being comfortable walking in heels but I wanted to look good because I felt inadequate walking next to Daniel yesterday.  He is the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on and I am sure people must have wondered why he was hanging out with somebody like me. I’ve never in my life before doubted myself, I was completely happy with who I am and how I looked but when it comes to Daniel I lose every ounce of confidence I ever had.

There were kids from school hanging around the entrance but I couldn’t focus on anybody but Daniel. He was standing a few feet away from the groups of kids, leaning against the wall. He looked like a God and my insides fluttered. I couldn’t quite believe that this man was standing there waiting for me. It didn’t make sense at all but at that moment I was really glad that he was.

“Candy?” I heard somebody ask and glanced in the direction the voice was coming from. It was a guy I recognized from school but he’s never bothered talking to me before and I was glad for this because he was always getting into all sorts of trouble. It was kind of funny considering who I am meeting. Daniel isn’t just some teenage boy pulling pranks and although I didn’t really know exactly how bad he is, I had no doubt that he is dangerous.

When I turned back to look at Daniel, he was looking right at me, his dark piercing eyes causing a mixture of emotion in my already confused mind. He was only a few steps away from me now and once again I had no idea how to greet him, the kiss on my hand from yesterday all too clear in my memory.

“You look beautiful,” Daniel said once I was close enough and I could feel myself blush… and trip. The floor was uneven and I was concentrating so hard on him that I lost my balance and tumbled forward. It was the worst possible thing that could happen. I was trying to look sexy and mature and here I was, losing my balance and probably my front teeth if I didn’t regain it fast.

Luckily for me Daniel had quick reflexes. His hands gripped my waste and steadied me against him. I literally couldn’t breathe for a second. I have never been so embarrassed in my life and his hands on my body weren’t helping the situation much. I could feel his touch burning right through my thin top, causing my skin to tingle and my heart to race. I was speechless as I looked up and found myself way to close to him. His hands were still holding me and our bodies were touching almost everywhere. I felt like I was going to faint on the spot.

“Are you alright?” he asked sounding concerned but the sparkle in his eyes told me that he was amused. I wanted to die.

“Yeah, thank you,” I manage to say as I took a step away from him.

“It’s technically only our second date and you’re already falling for me,” he chuckled, causing me to blush even deeper.

“I… uhm…” I stuttered, trying to come up with a response but all I could think about was his hands that were still holding me firmly in place even though I had taken a step back so that our bodies weren’t touching anymore.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Daniel said as he let go of my waste and took one of my hands in his.

 “Sounds good to me,” I replied and watched as the grin on his face turned into a deliciously sexy smile.

He slowly led me through the parking lot and to his car, probably not wanting me to trip over my feet again. I didn’t recognize the car and couldn’t help but wonder how many cars he actually owned. This is the third one he’s picked me up in after all. I didn’t dare ask though, instead I tucked the question away for another time and got in after Daniel opened the door for me.

The car was a shiny metallic black, just like the first one I saw him in and it also had dark tinted windows but instead of a sleek sports car this was a big van. I didn’t know much about cars but I knew it had to be very expensive from the looks of it.

I pushed the concerning thoughts aside and focused my attention on Daniel, watching as he walked around the car and got in. He was wearing snug fitting, faded jeans and a white tee shirt. It was strange seeing him dressed so casually but he still managed to look better than anybody I had ever laid my eyes on. I was a bit worried about our date though. Here I was trying to look smart and he was dressed so casually. Where could he possibly be planning on taking me?

I had no idea and although there was a part of me that was terrified, there was a much bigger part that was intrigued.

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