(18) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 18

I felt like crap. I was tired, my head hurt and my eyes were dark and puffy. It looked like I had a hangover from hell. That’s what you get for obsessing about a man that you should have nothing to do with, I thought as I got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror. The long hot shower that I just stepped out of might have helped for my nerves but it did nothing for my appearance. I signed, not feeling like doing anything, and started the grueling process of drying my hair and applying some light make up.

Lately I've been wearing a lot more make up than before but I needed to hide the bags under my eyes to avoid any questions from my parents.

I felt really hungry since I didn't eat last night so I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. It was still early but my parents were already up, my father sitting at the kitchen table reading a paper and my mother busy mixing things in a bowl.

"Morning Mom, Dad!" I said sounding way to cheerful. They looked at me strangely but didn’t comment, except my mom wanted to know how my night was and then offered to make me breakfast. Needless to say, I lied through my teeth but since they are under the impression that I'm still their sweet and responsible daughter, they ate up every word I said.

I felt kind of guilty but it was better than them knowing the truth. I could just imagine how that conversation would go.

I kept on looking at my phone wondering if Daniel was going to call me. I was feeling kind of nervous after my sudden burst of bravery last night and if I was being completely honest with myself, I was dying to talk to him.

It was only after eleven in the morning when my phone finally went off. It was a text message and only consisted of two words but I could feel my hart flutter as I read it.

Morning beautiful

Yip, I am a goner. How on earth did I allow this to happen? Oh yeah, Daniel didn't exactly give me a choice.

Morning handsome

I typed and pressed send before I could start doubting myself. I was so blatantly flirting with him and I cringed at the thought. What has he done to me? A few months ago I was only interested in graduating from high school a straight A student and now I can't think of anything but him.

A moment later my phone vibrated and I excused myself from the living room where my mother had finally decided to come clean about the surprise party she had arranged for my birthday. She was so excited that she just couldn't keep it to herself anymore and I was thankful for that actually. At least now I know what I'm in for.

I didn't dare look at the message until I was safely locked in my room.

So you think I am handsome?

What could I say to that? The man surely knows that he has the looks of a God.

No shit Sherlock

I typed and laughed as I sent it. Bet he won't expect that reply.

Feisty, I like it.

He replied and I couldn't help but smile as my stomach did summersaults.

That’s how it went for the rest of the day. The two of us texting short little messages to each other. Nothing serious, just shameless flirting and I was actually really enjoying it.

It was much easier being like this with him when I was in the safety of my house. I doubted that I would be able to flirt with him in person, hell, I can barely manage having a proper conversation without making a complete idiot out of myself.

Daniel didn't try phoning, maybe expecting that this was easier for me and I was thankful for that. As much as I wanted to talk to him and to see him, I needed time to get used to the idea of what was happening between us.

I wasn't ready to admit that here was actually something happening between us though. Admitting it would kind of make it official and dating a murderer wasn't something I ever considered before.

Kelly however was full of questions on Monday when I arrived at school. She was still angry at me for leaving with Daniel and insisted on telling me how stupid and irresponsible it was of me.

It's not like she was telling me something I didn't know it just didn't seem to make a difference anymore. Yes, I know it is wrong to even consider talking to Daniel, never mind hanging out with him and kissing him but it doesn't change anything.

She wanted to know what we did so I lied and I didn't mention that I went out with him on Saturday as well. She wouldn't understand and I honestly didn't really want to share anything that happened between me and Daniel with anybody, not even the girl I consider my best friend.

Daniel phoned me every night but we didn't talk about anything serious and he didn't ask to see me, probably because I have a tendency of turning him down or maybe he just wanted to give me some space.

By the time the end of the week rolled by I was starting to feel kind of nervous about my party. My mom took it upon herself to invite half of the school and had arranged everything from a DJ to a caterer. It was ridiculous but in her words 'a girl only turns eighteen once' so i had no choice but to endure it and hope that nobody got hurt or drunk. Yeah right, that's wishful thinking.

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