(7) Sex And Candy

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Sex and Candy

Chapter 7

The rest of the day went by without any drama or at least I think it did since I refused to switch my phone back on or to leave my room or to even look out of the window.

MY parents arrived back home at around five and I had to pretend that everything was fine. They suggested that we go out for dinner and since I was starving and I would be with them the whole time I agreed, hoping it would take my mind off of things a bit. I quickly got dressed and then drove to the restaurant with them, the drive was silent and uncomfortable and although I didn’t say anything I’m sure they must have noticed that something was wrong.

The restaurant they chose was situated in a busy street of our town. There were lots of people about and this made me feel slightly better. Daniel wouldn’t try anything in a busy area, or at least I hope he wouldn’t.  We sat at a table next to the window and I watched as people passed, going on about their normal lives. I wondered if any of them are in the same situation as I am.  Somehow I doubted it.

We ordered our food and made small talk, I answered all my parents’ questions and hoped that I was convincing. It didn’t look that way from the looks on their faces.  We were about half way through dinner when something caught my eye. It was so sudden that I gasped but when I took a proper look there was nothing there. I could swear I saw Daniel though, standing on the opposite side of the street, looking right at me.

“What wrong sweetie?” my mom asked, looking worried.

“Nothing, I… I just need the bathroom,” I answered as I jumped to my feet and rushed to the bathroom where I locked myself in a cubicle. What good would that do you? I asked myself while trying to get my breathing under control. If he wants to get to you he will. I stayed in the cubicle for a minute or two, trying not to cry but failing miserably. I couldn’t go out like this, my parents would know that something is wrong. But I had no choice so I splashed my face with some water and tried to come up with a good excuse as I made my way back to them.

“I had something in my eye,” I lied as I sat down. My parents exchanged looks and then focused their attention back on me. They kept on asking me if I was okay and the more I told them that I was the less it looked like they believed me.

The rest of the night was horrible. I couldn’t manage to think straight and I felt both panic and relief fill me when we finally went home.

When we arrived I told my parents that I was tired and headed back upstairs.

I didn’t even bother putting on my pajama shorts because I knew I wasn’t going to be getting any sleep and if Daniel somehow managed to get into my room I wanted to be ready to run.

The minutes dragged by, feeling like hours and eventually I decided to switch my phone back on again. I had a message from Kelly, asking me to phone her and a message from Daniel saying sorry and that he just can’t get me out of his mind. I was too tired to freak out, I just laid there, wondering how I was going to get rid of him and honestly, I couldn’t think of a way. I had a feeling he was going to keep on stalking me until I wind up dead or give in to him. Not one of the options sounded particularly good to me.

I eventually fell asleep and was so tired that if I had any nightmares, I couldn’t remember them. My alarm clock woke me up the next morning and for the first time in my life I considered lying about being sick and just staying at home. I was tired and scared and I just didn’t want to face my life at the moment. I just wanted to stay in bed and hide away from the world. but I didn’t. I got up, got dressed and painted my face with a lot of makeup. Not because I was trying to look pretty but because my eyes were red and dark rings were forming around them.

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