(26) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 26

It didn't take long to get back to Daniel's house, he wasn't only breaking every speed limit, he was crushing them, going double the speed or more and there were a few times I thought I was surely going to die. I didn't say anything though, I chose this after all; I chose him.

Well, maybe it wasn't a choice; maybe it was more like when you are pressured into taking a smoke or a drink. You know you shouldn't but all your friends want you to and then you give in even though you know it is wrong; but what then? What if you know you shouldn't do it again but you liked it, liked the way it tasted, liked the way it made you feel? You do it again and that is your decision and then before you know it you are addicted and completely screwed.

There was another thought that crossed my mind as we sped down the road, overtaking cars and sliding around corners. What if we get caught? Would Daniel stop or will he create the world's most talked about speed chase? What would happen if he did stop and he got out of the car with his gun tucked into his pants and clearly visible? I felt like screaming but instead I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing, refusing to freak out. I've done enough of that to last me a lifetime.

When we arrived at his house, Daniel insisted on carrying my bags inside and then led me to a room that will now be mine. It was on the same side of the house as his, situated in the passage next to the one that led to the room with the big TV and stairs to his room. I instantly knew that he chose this one because it must be the closest room to his. It was a beautiful room with a built in cupboard and an en-suite bathroom.

"It is beautiful, thank you," I said as I placed my handbag down on the bedside table.
"I'd still prefer if you stayed in my room," Daniel replied, causing my insides to tingle as I turned around and looked at him.
"Your bed is incredibly comfortable," I stated, feeling slightly better.
"It is but I'm sure it will feel even better with you in it," he said, taking a step closer to me. Shit, why did he always have to say things like that? He took another step towards me. I tried to step back but I was at the edge of the bed.

"Daniel," I breathed, feeling overwhelmed. The way he was looking at me, the way I was craving for him to kiss me again but wanting to get as far away from him as possible at the same time was driving me insane.
"Candy," he whispered, taking the last step that separated us. He was so close now, too close and I was trapped between him and the bed.
"I can't do this," I managed to choke out.
"We're not doing anything, not yet anyway," Daniel stated as he softly took a hold of my waist with both his hands. Holy shit.
"I'm serious, I'm not ready." I was shaking at this stage, not completely sure why I was so scared.

Daniel hasn't forced me to do anything I didn't want to, he wouldn't now, will he?
"Do you trust me?" he asked, his hands slowly moving up my body. Do I trust him? Hell no.
"I want to," I breathed, he was so close and I couldn't think straight.
"That didn't help much, did it?" Daniel asked as he immediately let go of me and took a step back.
"Not really," I replied, my body tingling from where his hands had touched me.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to hold you and kiss you..." he said as he took another step away from me.
"Its fine, I'm just... I'm not used to this kind of thing," I said, hoping he would understand.
"Me neither," Daniel replied, reminding me that this is all very new to him as well. He's never been in a real relationship. He is probably used to woman doing whatever he wants.

"I need to unpack," I stated, knowing very well that I was once again pushing him away but the thought of Daniel being with other woman had taken over my mind again and I needed to be alone before I said something stupid.
"I'll leave you to it then," Daniel replied and then left me alone with my thoughts. I wondered what he went to do but didn't dare to go look. Instead I unpacked my belongings, my clothes looking pathetic in the huge cupboard and then laid down on the bed, trying to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

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