(29) Sex And Candy

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Chapter 29

It didn’t take Daniel long to get us home and although he was driving like a masochist I couldn’t get myself to focus on anything but the thought of being with him. Am I really ready to do it? I have no idea but I am pretty sure I am going to find out. The way Daniel kissed me just now promised that. What if I can’t go through with it, will he think I’m weak and pathetic?

“Stop that,” Daniel said softly from beside me as he slowed down to turn into his driveway.
“What?” I asked, confused. I wasn’t doing anything.
“Overthinking things, you’re stressing yourself unnecessarily.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” Daniel chuckled, his eyes sparkling in the dark of the night, “just relax.”
“I’m scared,” I replied before I could stop myself. Oh shit, why did I have to say that?

Daniel didn’t reply, instead he brought the car to a stop inside of the oversized garage, got out and made his way around to me. For a second I considered locking the doors and hiding like a coward but I couldn’t really do it. I needed to get over this irrational fear I have of him.

My door opened and Daniel held his hand out to me like he always does. I took a deep breath and placed mine in his as I looked up at him. I had to say something but my mind was reeling and before I could think of anything sensible I felt myself being pushed back against the car. I was trapped again; our bodies so close but not close enough.

“Do you really think I will hurt you?” Daniel asked as he let go of my hand and placed his on my hip, causing an involuntary shiver to run down my spine.
“No,” I answered honestly. His hand moved up, tauntingly slow.
“Does this feel good?”
“How about this?” he asked and then traced his hand further up my body, his eyes never leaving mine as his fingers reached my breast, he let them linger there for a second  before continuing to make his way up until he cupped my cheek in his hand and leaned forward, our lips almost touching.

His breath felt warm and intoxicating; the feel of his hands on me lingered in my mind and on my body. I couldn’t speak.
“Answer me,” he said, pressing forward, every inch of our bodies touching.
“It feels amazing.”
“Then why are you scared?”
His lips were so close; I could feel them move against my skin as he asked the question. I had no idea how to answer because I honestly didn't know, it was ridiculous.
“Kiss me,” I whispered instead, it was barely audible but Daniel understood what I wanted.

His lips touched mine, softly, slowly causing my insides to twist with the need I felt for him. He didn’t intensify the kiss but he didn’t stop, his lips, his tongue, the intoxicating scent of mint, of him, slowly drove me to a point I’ve never been before. I didn't know what I was scared of; all I knew is that I want him; physically, mentally, in every way possible.

The kiss was long but also way to short and when he pulled away I missed his lips against mine immediately but he kept his body pressed tightly against mine and made no attempt to move away.

“I’m not using you Candy. I’m not pretending to care just to get you in my bed,” Daniel whispered, clearly knowing exactly what I was afraid of.
I started saying something but it made no sense and before I could try to get my thoughts and words in order his lips were on mine again.

The kiss was short but more intense and when he pulled away this time I had to catch my breath.
“I’m not going to leave you or get tired of you. I want you Candy, completely, forever.”
“I want that too,” I managed to say as tears stung my eyes. These were happy tears though because deep down I knew he was being honest and when his lips touched mine again I didn’t feel afraid.

The kiss started off slow but quickly grew with intensity as his hands skillfully moved down my body, leaving trails of electricity in their path. My body was on fire as his hands slid underneath the hem of my dress and softly took a hold of my bum, lifting me into the air and just like earlier I wrapped my legs around his body, my arms automatically finding their way around his neck.

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