(16) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 16

The drive back to the mall where I had left my car took much longer than the drive to Daniel's beach house earlier tonight. He wasn't driving half as fast and I had a feeling it was because he didn't want to say goodbye to me just yet.

The drive was also silent and slightly uncomfortable as I was too afraid to ask any more questions since I was sure I wasn't going to like the answers.

My head was spinning and my lips were tingling from his kiss. It was only a soft kiss that didn't last very long at all but it set my entire body aflame and no matter how hard I was trying to deny it, I really wanted to kiss him again. It was driving me insane because I knew I shouldn't want to. I shouldn't even consider talking to him, never mind kissing him but what I knew to be right didn't seem quite as important at the moment.

"When is your birthday?" Daniel asked as he turned down the volume on the stereo. My birthday… I haven't given it much thought since my minds been preoccupied with thoughts of him.

"On the 29th," I replied, realizing that it was only a week away. One more week and I'll be eighteen.

"Are you planning anything?" he asked, looking over at me before focusing his eyes back on the road.

"No, it's kind of weird actually because my parents always insist on having a party for me but they haven't said anything so far," I replied, refraining from telling him that I haven't even noticed just how strange it is until now since I've been way to busy thinking about him.

"Maybe they've planned a surprise party," Daniel stated, steeling another glimpse at me.

"I honestly hope not, I hate parties," I replied, the mere thought making me feel irritated.

"Why?" Daniel asked, looking genuinely curious.

"Because there is always somebody who can't behave themselves who wind up doing something they really shouldn't and ruining everything," I replied, remembering the time Kelly got so drunk that she threw up on my mother’s new designer couch and the time this one boy who liked me tried to impress me by diving into the pool but instead fell face first onto the tiles and lost a tooth. Oh, and there was the time that our one friend thought winning an eating contest was very important and managed to choke so badly that we had to call an ambulance. No thanks but I'd rather sit out any party.

"Am I safe in assuming it's never you who can’t behave?" Daniel asked and if I didn't know better I'd swear he was teasing me.

"Pretty safe,” I replied, suddenly feeling like a looser. I've always been the responsible one, opting to stay out of trouble over having any sort of stupid fun.

"We need to fix that," he chuckled and I felt my cheeks turn warm. I had no idea what he meant but coming from him I could only guess that it would be something I won't approve of.

"No thanks, I'd rather not," I replied causing him to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked, not sure if I really wanted to know what he was thinking.

"You, you're so sweet and innocent and I really like that but at the same time I just want to show you all the things you've been missing out on," he replied.

I didn't dare ask which things he was talking about and to my relief we arrived at the mall soon after. There were still a lot of cars in the parking lot and there were a group of kids hanging around the entrance which was a good thing since it meant that I wouldn't have to be alone with Daniel any longer. He pulled his van into an open parking space right next to my car and then jumped out and ran around, reaching my door just as I was about to open it.

"If you are with me, I will open the door for you," Daniel said as he pulled the door open all the way and held out is hand for me.

"That's not necessary," I replied, taking a hold of his hand and stepping carefully out of the van since it was pretty high and I had put my heels back on.

"I know but I'd still like to do it," he replied and I nodded my head in agreement, knowing there was no point in arguing with him and I kind of liked the idea anyway.

He walked me to the driver’s side of my car and then pulled me to a stop as he stepped in front of me.

"When can I see you again?" he asked looking hopeful.

"I don't know, there is so many things I need to think about," I replied honestly. I didn't want to give him any false hope if there wasn't any.

I was still freaked out from what he had confessed to me and although the conversation in the car was much lighter, it didn't change anything. He is a drug dealer and a murderer and I shouldn't have anything to do with him.

"I understand, will you let me know when you get home?" he asked, looking disappointed by my answer.

"Yes, I should really go, it's getting late," I mumbled as I unlocked my door and slipped in before he could stop me. I was afraid that he would try to kiss me goodbye and although I wanted that so badly the idea terrified me at the same time. I felt so confused and I really just needed to get away from him so that I could think about everything although I doubted that it would help.

Daniel didn't move as I started my car and drove away, his eyes never leaving me and causing me to feel slightly guilty for rushing off like I did without even saying goodbye. The guilt didn't go away but it was overtaken by a feeling of hopelessness. I had no idea what to do and by the time I reached my house I was crying uncontrollable.

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