(22) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 22

I locked myself in the bathroom and sank down against the door, a new flood of tears threatening to escape. This was all so wrong but I couldn't get myself to regret the decision I made. I stood up for what I wanted, although I knew what I wanted was wrong.

I still had the clothes Daniel gave me in my hands and a shudder ran through my body at the thought of wearing them. Would he think that I wanted to have sex since I called him and fought with my parents to be with him? I had no idea. But there was no way I was going to do it. I definitely wasn't ready for any of that. Crap, I have no idea what is going to happen now.

I had nothing of my own with me except for my phone and my dad said that if I left I wouldn't be welcome back. I couldn't stay with Daniel forever and what about school and Kelly? I felt myself getting angry at the thought of her. I've stuck with her through so much and the fact that she would do something like she did tonight really hurt.

The tears had escaped and were flowing freely as I pushed myself to my feet and looked around the big bathroom. I felt out of place. The bathroom was huge, probably the size of my room, yeah, Daniel definitely has a lot of money.

There was a huge Jacuzzi bath and a shower that was twice the size of mine at home. I decided on the shower since the bath looked slightly intimidating.

There were clean towels hanging on a rail next to the shower so I didn't have to search for any.

Oh well, might as well do this, I thought as placed the clothes on a shelve next to the shower and opened the glass door. I didn't even bother looking at what he had given me, it doesn't matter since I'm going to have to wear it whether I liked it or not.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes, being careful not to mess the entire bathroom and hanging my underwear over a rail before stepping into the shower and turning on the water.

There was soap, shampoos, a washing cloth and sponges all hanging against the wall. I stepped under the water and reached out to take the washing cloth but caught myself just in time. It is obviously Daniel's and he used it wash himself... I couldn't use it, could I? I didn't really have a choice so I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind, took a hold of the washing cloth and started washing myself. The warm water felt great against my tense skin and by the time I was washing my hair I could feel myself starting to relax.

I took my time in the shower, trying to prepare myself for spending the night at Daniels' house as my stomach knotted with nerves. I have never slept at a boy's house before, never mind a man's.

The clothes Daniel gave me was way too big but mine was still soaked so I had no choice but to put the boxers and tee shirt on, luckily my underwear wasn't too wet so I could put them back on. I looked in the mirror and cringed at my reflection. My hair was wet and hanging messily all over the place. I had to wash all of my make up off since it was smudged from all the crying and I looked pale and out of place. My cheek was still red from where my father had slapped me. I felt terrified but I was done crying. I had to go out and face Daniel and that is exactly what I did.

Leaving my wet clothes in a little bundle in the corner of the bathroom, along with my shoes, I made way back into his room. I found him standing at the big window that ran across one of the walls, peeking outside through the curtain. He was wearing a pair of baggy slacks and a vest, causing me to stop in my tacks. It was such a simple thing to be wearing but he looked like he had just stepped out of a modeling photo shoot. I also couldn't help but notice the huge tattoo that ran from his right upper arm, over his shoulder and under his shirt.

My stomach knotted and for a second I wanted to turn and run but I had nowhere to go and this is where I fought to be so I had to swallow my fears.

"I won't bite," Daniel said from across the room, taking me by surprise. I didn't think that he had noticed me standing there but he obviously did.
"It's not biting I'm worried about," I replied as I slowly made my way over to him and I swear I could hear him laugh under his breath.
"What are you looking at?" I asked as I came to a stand a few feet away from him, I was terrified of getting any closer.
"The storm, it is beautiful," Daniel replied, letting the curtain fall back into place as he turned to face me.

His hair was damp and hanging in front of those hypnotizing eyes of his. Shit. I've never seen him wearing something as open as a vest and his body was just wow, definitely not just your average good looking beach body. There were muscles everywhere and my mind was racing with thoughts of how he looks under that thin peace of material. I couldn't stop the thoughts, they were new to me but overwhelmingly strong and that tattoo, how big is it and where did it go?

"Candy?" Daniel asked, reminding me that I had to say something. I probably looked like a complete idiot, just standing there staring at him.
"I'm terrified of storms," I replied. It is the truth, since I could remember I would hide in my bed with the lights on if there was any sign of a thunder storm.
"Why?" Daniel asked, looking curious.
"Their dark and scary," I replied and realized that I wasn't just describing the storm but Daniel as well, but yet here I was with him.
"I'll never hurt you," Daniel said softly, probably catching on to my thoughts.
"I... uhm..." I stuttered. What could I say to that?
"I know you don't trust me but I'm going to do everything I can to change that, now come on, you should try to get some sleep," Daniel said and I didn't have it in me to reply so I just nodded my head and followed him across the room.

"You can sleep in here, I'll be just down the stairs," he said turning towards me once again.
"No, you should sleep in your room, I'll sleep in a guest room... or on the couch or something," I said, feeling uncomfortable with the idea. Sleeping in Daniel's bed, I don't know...
"Not happening and I kind of want you in my bed," Daniel said, the corner of his mouth turning up into a sexy smirk and I swear I could feel the blood rushing to my face.
"You shouldn't have to give up your bed," I replied, my mind struggling to cope with everything that was happening.
"I'd give up everything for you, now get some sleep," Daniel said as he took a step forward and softly pressed his lips against my cheek, causing all sense of reason to abandon me as he turned around and left the room.

The big bed with the black lace looked intimidating as I approached it. Am I really going to sleep in Daniel's bed? I guess so.

I pulled the lace to the side and saw a little box in the center of the bed. It was wrapped in shiny pink paper with a black bow on top. My gift... I had forgotten all about it. It was small and I couldn't help but feel slightly excited as I sat down, took it in my hands and slowly unwrapped it. Inside the wrapping was a little black box, the kind very expensive jewelry comes in and my heart was going wild at the thought of what it could be. He shouldn't have gotten me something but at the same time I loved the idea that he did so I opened it and looked inside. It was beautiful.

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