(5) Sex And Candy

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Sex and Candy

Chapter 5

 I stayed in my room, trying to do homework but failing miserably. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. The only thing I could think about was him. The scent of him lingering in my room even now after I have thrown the flowers out. I could see his face so clearly in my mind, his dark hair, his hypnotizing eyes, I wondered how old he is and then pushed the thoughts from my mind. I don’t care. I don’t want to think of him, he is obviously some kind of freak.

 I got about half way with my homework and then quit. I couldn’t concentrate and I was just making a mess of it.

When my dad got home we had dinner in the dining room and his scent lingered there to, I wasn’t sure if they could smell it but I could and it was driving me insane.

“Who sent you the flowers?” my mom asked while we were eating.

“I don’t know, it didn’t say,” I answered without thinking and then wondered if I should have told them. No, he’ll forget about me and then it won’t matter I told myself but I knew it wasn’t true. I could feel it in my bones. I don’t think he is going to leave me alone.

I shivered at the thought and concentrated on eating. My parents made small talk and I tried to act as normal as possible but the strange feeling in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t go away.

That night I battled to sleep again. I kept on having dreams about him and when I woke up, I would be shivering or crying every time. I’ve never cried myself awake before and it was terrifying.

I was up way earlier than usual the next morning. I couldn’t handle another dream about him. Usually I sleep in on Saturdays but usually I also go out. Today I wasn’t planning on setting foot outside the house. I ate breakfast, and made myself comfortable on the couch in front of the TV and that is exactly where I stayed for the rest of the day. That is until my mom called me and said that there was somebody on the phone for me.  I was just starting to relax but I tensed up immediately. Nobody ever phone me on our home phone. They always phone me on my cellphone. I considered just hanging it up, but what if it wasn’t him? What if it was something important? Stay calm, I told myself as I took a deep breath and pushed the phone to my ear.

“Hello,” I said, hoping that it would be an old friend that lost my cellphone number or something.

“Hello Candy,” the person on the other side said and I recognised his voice immediately.  It was him.

“What do you want?” I asked, unable to hide the fear that was clear in my voice.

“I want to see you again,” he answered.

“I don’t want to see you so please just leave me alone,” I replied, trying to sound confident.

“I know that we met under strange circumstances but I can’t stop thinking about you. Can’t I just take you out once and then if you still want me to leave you alone I will,” he asked. I considered his words carefully before answering.

“If I agree to go will you leave me alone?” I questioned just to make sure.

“Only if you want me to,” he replied.

This was a really bad idea but what if I said no and it makes things worse?

“Okay but I’m going with my own car and I get to choose the place,” I replied, terrified but hoping that by some miracle he would stick to his word and leave me alone afterwards. Deep down I knew it wasn’t going to happen but I didn’t know what else to do.

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