(3) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 3

I sighed, both with relief and worry. I am so screwed.  I looked around to see where I was and then dug my cellphone out of my jeans pocket. Good thing I didn’t leave it in my car. I pressed dial on the cab company’s name which I had saved on my phone and then hung up, realizing I didn’t have any money with me. I might have been clever enough to have my cellphone with me but my purse was still in my car. I felt like screaming and crying as my anger toward Kelly grew. I knew we shouldn’t have gone to that stupid party but she wouldn’t listen to me.

 I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and made my way inside the restaurant. I had to get home and figured that there might be a bus station around here somewhere. I was in luck. The girl at the reception counter informed me that there was a bus stop two blocks up and that the bus going to my town will be there at around one, meaning I had exactly twenty minutes to get there. I thanked her and quickly started making my way to the bus station, following her directions closely.  I was just about to walk pass the entrance to the underground parking lot when a black car with tinted windows pulled out. I only got a glimpse of his face through the windscreen but I recognized him immediately. He stopped right in front of me and opened his window.

“The offer still stands,” he said, his face not giving away any emotion.

“I’m fine, thanks,” I replied, obviously lying.

 He didn’t say anything more, he just nodded his head, closed the window and sped away. For a second I wondered if I shouldn’t have taken him up on his offer but the thought quickly left my mind as I continued on my way to the bus station.

The bus arrived just as I did but the driver stopped me, asking for my ticket or money and at that point I started crying. I couldn’t help it, it was all just too much to handle. He looked concerned but refused to help and once again I found myself standing next to the road with no clue as to what to do. I was sobbing loudly and trying to catch my breath when a black car pulled up in front of me and opened the door. I knew it was him immediately, I mean, who else would it be?

“Get in,” he said and I did. I knew it could be the biggest mistake of my life but I had no choice. I was screwed and all I could hope for was that he was really just trying to help me, somehow I knew there had to be something wrong with him though because he followed me and what kind of person would do that? I guess I’m going to find out. I just hope that if he decided to kill me that he does it quickly. I don’t want to be tortured to death.

“Where do you live?” he asked once he had pulled away.  I gave him my address, struggling to talk as I tried to regain my composure.

“Why were you at that party?” he asked once we were on our way.

“That has nothing to do with you,” I managed to say. I really didn’t want to talk to him about myself. He scared me.

“It didn’t look like you were having fun, you didn’t fit in there,” he stated and it was true. I wasn’t having any fun at all and I sure as hell didn’t fit in but I wasn’t’ going to give him the satisfaction of telling him that he is right.

“You’re wrong, I was having a ball,” I replied and even I could tell that I was lying.

“Yeah, and that’s why you were trying to hide in a room while hyperventilating,” he replied but didn’t push the subject.

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