(17) Sex And Candy

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Sex And Candy

Chapter 17

Luckily the mall is close to my house or I probably wouldn't have made it home alive. I was freaking out so badly that I could barely keep my car on the road. A part of me wanted to turn around and head back to Daniel, not that I had any idea where he had gone after I left, and the other half of me wanted to tell my parents everything and beg for their help.

Instead I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room, thankful that my parents weren't still awake. If they were to see me in the state I am in at the moment it would not have been good.

I had to let Daniel know that I was home so I kicked off my shoes, dug my phone out of my bag with shaking hands and crawled onto my bed. I kind of expected there to me a million missed calls from him but there wasn't so I quickly typed him a message, having to rewrite it about three times because I was shaking so bad that I kept on screwing it up, and then hit send.

Made it home in one piece, going to sleep now.

Yeah right I thought to myself as I waited for his reply, knowing that he would answer immediately. I'm more likely to be abducted by aliens than get any sleep tonight.

My phoned vibrated and I opened the text before it could start playing the song I had set for my message tone.

I'm missing you already. Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Is he serious? Why does he keep on saying things like this to me? How am I supposed to hate him when he is so… I don't know.

I threw my phone on my bedside table and pulled my sheets over me, not even bothering to change clothes. I was still freaking out and my mind was a mess. His words kept on repeating themselves in my head and my lips had started to tingle again.

It wasn't even a proper kiss I tried to convince myself as I pressed my head deeper into my pillow and another round of tears threatened to escape.

Why did I admit to him that I want him? It would have been so much easier if I had just said no, if I had lied and said that he didn't affect me in any way. He probably would have known that I was lying but I don't think he would have kissed me. I wanted him to kiss me again...

The thought rattled me because I knew it is the truth and I cursed myself silently.

It's been about an hour since I've gotten home and although I haven't fallen asleep, I have managed to calm down a bit, not much but enough to breathe and wonder what other secrets Daniel might have.

I am sure that he has a lot and that he would tell me whatever I want to know after tonight but I 'm not sure I can handle anymore and even if I could, I wouldn't know what to ask.

I tossed and turned for about another thirty minutes before I gave into my disturbingly crazy urge to talk to Daniel. I picked up my phone and stared at it. He is usually the one who phones me or texts me and the enormity of what it will mean if I text him now isn't lost on me.

I feel kind of guilty for taking off the way I did and for some reason I feel the need to make it up to him. Weird, I know.

I can't sleep.

I typed and pressed send before I could change my mind. I regretted sending the message immediately but I couldn’t deny the way my heart sped up when my phone started to vibrate a few seconds later.

Are you okay? He questioned.

I'm better now. I replied, knowing how cheesy it sounds but sending it anyway. What the hell, why not?

It took Daniel longer to reply this time and I could feel myself starting to panic. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, maybe he thinks I'm an idiot.

That was unexpected. Can I phone you? His message read when he finally replied. It felt like I had waited forever but in reality is was probably only a minute.

I considered saying yes but instead pressed dial on his name, feeling unusually brave, maybe it was the lack of sleep…

"Candy," he answered almost immediately and the mere sound of my name on his lips sent a shiver down my spine. How does he manage to do it? To affect my body in a way I never even knew possible?

"Hi… I…uhm," I stuttered. I shouldn't have called him, I should have just stuck to texting him. That would have been much easier.

"Are you sure you are okay? Daniel chuckled.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you got home safely too," I replied saying the first thing that came to mind. I should just stop talking now.

"I always get home safely, you don't have to worry about me," Daniel answered, the amusement clear in his voice.

"And if somebody tried to mess with you, you would just kill them and hide the body," shit, did I just say that? Seriously? I felt like dying.

"Right, but I'd be more tempted if somebody messed with you." He didn't sound angry but did he just say what I think he did? This conversation really isn't going well at all. I needed to change the subject.

"Where do you live? I asked, managing to ask a normal question for once and I was genuinely curious.

"Not too far from the ice cream parlor, I'd like to show you sometime," he answered.

"Maybe, but I should really try to get some sleep now," I stated, the idea of being alone with him suddenly making we nervous all over again.

"Okay and thank you for this," he said, warming my heart.

"Goodnight Daniel," I replied and then hung up before I could embarrass myself any further.

I shouldn't care how he feels and I shouldn't feel better after talking to him but I did.

This was all so screwed up but I really did feel lighter now that I knew he wasn't angry at me for taking off the way I did.

It was late and I needed to sleep but I just couldn’t. Thoughts of Daniel kept me awake and by the time the sun started peeking through my drawn curtains I gave up on trying.

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