Announcement - IMPORTANT

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*Ignore this part if reading after Easter. Go to the bold text*

Hi everyone, hope you're all doing okay. There's something I have to tell you all...

As some of you already know, I'm a Christian, and right now we are celebrating Lent. Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter when we honour the time Jesus spent in the desert with no food or water by giving up something ourselves, to show our trust and love for Him.

This year, I've decided to give up some apps until Easter - Wattpad is one of them. Technically, I'm breaking my Lent right now, but I can't just disappear for a month and not say anything to you guys. So yes, I'm sorry to say that there will be no more updates until Easter - I hope you can understand and I'm sorry again, but this is important to me.

So please have patience and bear with me, TSS will return.

I'll be praying for you all - and if you have also given up something for Lent, good for you! I know you can do it. Trust in God and use His strength to help you through it.

I'll be back at Easter, I promise.


Hi everyone! I'm back.

I have bad news... The order of my chapters in TSS got all muddled up... I don't know how it happened, but I'm in the process of fixing it. I had to copy and delete chapters... but I accidentally deleted one without copying it first. I need to re write it from memory so please bear with me as I try to fix this mess. I've numbered the chapters now, so hopefully if any muddling happens in the future, the chapter numbers will help you read the chapters in the right order. I'm sorry. I really don't know how it happened.

Also, I have pretty important assessments coming up, so updates might not be every week. I hope you all understand - I really want to get into the university I want to go to, so school is coming first right now.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding ❤️

Until next time,


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