3 - The Voice...

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Chisa's POV

I didn't stop running until I reached the garden. My chest heaved as I took greedy gulps of the wondrous fresh air. I instantly calmed under its influence. My emerald eyes that were blurry with tears immediately dried when I saw the vast array of flowers. Each one had its own unique colour. The garden had flowers of all shapes and sizes: pansies, irises, roses, heathers, daisies... A flower for each colour of the rainbow. The sun was shining - its rays were peaking through the lush, green trees, dancing on the petals of the flowers.

It was breathtaking.

For a reason unknown to me, Joseph doesn't speak to me in the garden. He does it everywhere else... but not here. Don't misunderstand, I'm so grateful that he doesn't. This is the only place where I can find peace - proof that I still have a smidge of sanity left, small as it may be.

In this garden, my thoughts are my own - Joseph doesn't ruin or corrupt them. And maybe, just for a while, I have a tiny taste of happiness. But I can't be sure, I don't really remember what happiness feels like. This peaceful place is so important to me... so why doesn't Joseph destroy it?

He has no problem corrupting my thoughts when I'm surrounded by my family... especially Chise. If my mood lightens at all, he always ruins it, making it black as night with only a few words. Perhaps this place is too pure for him to destroy - if that's the reason, maybe I should hold on to hope... Hope that I can be normal again...

Well, my unique normal...

Whatever the reason is, I always savour my time in this sanctuary of mine. I feel better here - my thoughts are... nicer. But I don't smile. I can't. Not properly anyway. This calm feeling won't last long, so I can't be too cocky.

I decide to take a walk around the garden, my daily ritual. I never grow tired of seeing the beautiful blooms, so bright and full of life. Their heavenly scent wafts into my nose, relaxing my tense frame further. I take my slippers off, placing them neatly beside a tree. I love the feeling of the grass prickling my feet, it makes me feel closer to nature.

I reach the flowery arch, I stretch my arm out to touch the swirling vines of the pink roses, careful not to touch the thorns. I make my way down the stone steps, placing my feet in the cool spring water of the trickling stream - it feels wonderful, especially on a warm spring day like today.

Sighing, I pad over to the weeping willow; a flourishing tree with large, drooping branches that conceal the trunk inside. In many ways, the willow reminds me of myself - just like the branches of the willow, I am hiding something, a secret I cannot share - something those around me cannot see.

I gently part the branches, and head over to the leaning tree trunk. I sit down comfortably, using the trunk to support my back. I stretch my short legs out in front of me, wiggling my toes. The grass tickles my feet, and I absentmindedly draw patterns in the grass with my fingers. I sigh, remembering that I said I would study Magic today... The reality is, it's hard to study when someone won't let you concentrate. In the rare occasions when I can learn quietly, within a few hours my brain turns to mush.

Studying? Must be a combination of 'STUDENTS DYING'.

And what's the point having the knowledge when you can't-

Suddenly, I have an idea. The books I'm studying teach me about Magecraft... they contain spells and incantations... I'm not actually allowed to practice them myself without Chise and Elias, but if I only do something simple... What's the harm?

Worst case scenario... I pass out.

It has happened before, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

What spell should I do though? Hmm... there's a relatively simple one where you just use Magic to make a flower bloom. I haven't tried it before, but it sounds simple enough. What could go wrong?

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