21 - New Experiences

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Chisa's POV

"Why don't we head back to the Aerie now, Chisa? I'm sure you must be exhausted after last night." Lindel says, smiling as he stands up.

He dusts off his robe before holding out his hand for me to take. I momentarily hesitate but grab his hand anyway, letting him pull me to my feet.

Sometimes I hate my mind. Joseph made me this way. I can't forget past trauma so easily, so it is difficult for me to accept that there are people who only wish to help me.

Trust, Chisa. Lindel does understand you and only wants to help you.

I meet Lindel's kind eyes and give him a small smile as I steady myself, letting go of his hand. My legs feel a little shaky, but they always do after I Flash - it's nothing I can't handle.

He pats my head before he turns and starts walking briskly away from the pond. And when I say brisk, I mean brisk. I don't want to get left behind, so I begin to awkwardly walk-jog behind him. The grass stabs my feet and I almost trip over an uneven root. I don't want to be a bother, and he did come all this way just to apologise and make sure I was okay, so I don't tell him to slow down.

But in no time at all, my head starts to pound and my legs begin to feel like lead. Lindel's figure is getting further away despite my attempt to keep up with him. Each step feels like I'm wading through treacle. My breathing becomes laboured. My vision becomes fuzzy at the edges... not now, come on! Luckily, just up ahead is a boulder. I stumble towards it, my left hand grabs the smooth, weather-beaten stone like a lifeline. My other hand fists my violet tresses and I groan as my vision spins. With every beat of my heart, my head throbs.

Ugh, it hurts.

I feel a large hand on my shoulder. "Chisa!" Lindel. "Child, are you alright?" Concern laces his tone.

"I'm s-sorry... I don't mean t-to be a n-nuisance." I apologise. My head pounds and I groan again, closing my eyes and gripping my hair tightly.

Lindel's hand covers my own, easing my death grip. My pain-filled eyes meet his concerned ones. "You are not a nuisance, Chisa. In future, please tell me if you feel unwell." He crouches down and turns around, his back facing me. "Climb on," He simply states. "I'll carry you back."

My mouth hung open in shock. I hesitated. I can't let him do that again. I'm supposed to be able to fend for myself. I'm supposed to face everything and rise! I need to be able to take care of myself.

"Don't even think about trying to make an excuse." He scolds me sternly. "You are not a burden, I want to help you."

"I just f-feel that you shouldn't h-have to, though." I mumble, still leaning against the boulder.

"Don't worry, Chisa. Soon, you'll be strong enough to be as independent as you wish. Perhaps you'll even be helping an old-timer like me before long." He says jokingly.

I stifle a laugh - he's a millennia old but with his youthful appearance you wouldn't know it. Sighing in defeat, I wrap my arms around his neck and tuck my legs around his waist. As he stands I tense as the world spins.

"Are you alright, little one?" Lindel asks, beginning to walk at a much more reasonable pace.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine - just d-dizzy." I reply, hiding my face in the hood of his robe so I don't see the world sway around me.

"It won't take long to get back to the river, just hang in there for now." He says gently. "And today has been draining for you, feel free to sleep if you wish."

Sleep sounds good. And Lindel's footfalls are soothing. As my eyelids flutter closed, the swaying of my body is relaxing my tense muscles. The movement is slowly but surely lulling me to sleep... I rest my head on Lindel's shoulder, getting comfortable. He smells like Spring, it's comforting... it's only a matter of time before...

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