26 - New Beginnings With Old Friends

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Chisa's POV

I'm not sure how long we've been standing here. The sun has risen higher into the sky, it's glow warming my face. The garden is exactly how I remember it. The lush green grass is sparkling with the morning dew, and all the wild flowers are in full bloom. The weeping willow's branches sway in the light breeze, it's like she's welcoming me back... home.

Joseph is gripping the back of my shirt, pulling the material tight against the scratches. Pain radiates through my back, but I bite my tongue. I don't want to accidentally set him off. It's surprising though... he's never been so... desperate for comfort before.

It's kind of unnerving. I'm used to being abused and rough handled by his hands, but he's being... gentle. It's not-

Aw, heck. What am I saying? Chisa, don't be a sicko! The way he treated you was not normal. And you didn't deserve it...

I didn't, right?

It's best not to ponder on that thought too much.

I won't lie, it's a peculiar feeling - being free that is. I can believe whatever I want, think whatever I want, and say whatever I want. It's been... a long, long time since I've been able to do that. I no longer feel the chains of the Pact that bound us together. The ones that constricted my body like snakes.

'I don't feel them either, Chisa.'

I instantly froze, my eye connecting with his mismatched orbs.

'What? H-How can we still communicate this way?' A twinge of fear wormed its way into my brain. Did he trick me again?

'We merged, but not fully. You gave me a piece of your soul, so now we are connected for life... as far as I understand it. I am immortal... so I believe you are now too. I promise there was no trickery involved. I did not realise this would happen. Does this bother you?' He tilted his head, watching my eye widen as he explained this... predicament.

I thought about it.

I'm supposed to be free - am I not free? And living forever... I don't know how I feel about that. I've come a long way from being suicidal - I used to imagine death frequently, and how liberating it would be. How times have changed. But surely everyone has to die at some point, right? Even Joseph. Besides, I don't want to watch everyone I form attachments with wither and die while I keep on living. And Joseph... he'll always be there in the back of my mind, judging every decision I make. It will just be the same as the last six months. I felt tears sting my eye at the realisation.

'Chisa, you are free. You can make your own decisions and live how you want to live. I won't stop you.' His bony, cold hand cupped my face, I couldn't help but flinch.

Is that true? Can I believe him?

"You can trust me, puppy." He spoke aloud. "But to answer your question, I am truly immortal. I cannot die - it is the nature of my curse. By giving me your eye, you took away my pain, and our souls are now entwined forever, so you won't die." He states bluntly.

'You won't... torment me, right? You won't... make my mind my enemy?' I couldn't say the words out loud, I didn't have the courage.

Pain flashed in Joseph's eyes, but he shook his head. "You have my word, Chisa. I won't do that again." Sincerity shone in his eyes... and I decided to trust him.

'Okay... I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Please don't betray my trust Joseph, my faith in you isn't that strong.' It was my truth - I had to make sure he knew that.

His shoulders sagged, and I could feel his relief, but I could see his crestfallen expression. "I know, puppy - I'll do my best to make it up to you. But you cannot take back your eye," his hand grips my chin, forcing me to look at him. "It's mine now. Do you understand? Because you gave it to me to fulfil our Pact." A shudder rippled down my spine as a flash of the real Joseph came out to play. "Your eye belongs to me."

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