9 - Dragons

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Chisa's POV

If I had Flashed about this moment right now... I don't think I would have believed it.

Yet, here I am - wearing one of Lindel's warm, heavy cloaks while standing in the middle of a valley. A thousand stars wink at me from the dark, obsidian sky. And there, in the centre of the sky, is the moon. Her light chases away all the darkness, allowing my eye to see the sparkling black water of the stream, and the blue-tinted grass. The cool air kisses my cheeks and I snuggle deeper into the cloak. The dew from the grass seeps into my feet through the bandages, but I don't mind. Lindel said he would be back soon, he was just going to get the Dragons.

"The Dragons want to meet you."

I feel my hands getting clammy, revealing how nervous I am. I can't believe I'm going to meet real Dragons - properly this time. I know they look different than the Dragons you read in fairytales as a kid, so I'm ready to expect the unexpected... I think. Who am I kidding? I'm so nervous... but excited too - I'm nervacited... Yep, let's make a new word, Chisa - just stay calm. Think about something else... My eye starts to focus on my surroundings, taking everything in.

I've always found it strange that the world becomes a different place when the sun goes away. The sights that you see in daylight seem to change dramatically. Yet, it's still the same sky you're staring at, or the same river... the light is just altering your perception. It's showing you the secrets of the world that are hidden by day, and are only revealed when the sun goes down. That's why the night is so mysterious - that's why I love it.

I believe the world is most beautiful at night, especially when it's illuminated by the moon. It's an unpopular opinion - and you'd think that I'd be afraid of the dark. The monsters that stalked Chise and I came in the night - so I did fear the dark. When we got separated, it got ten times worse. Insomnia gripped my soul - I couldn't sleep at all. Having to defend myself from monsters all night long left no room for sleep. So, after a while, I decided enough was enough. I started to sneak out at night, wandering the streets until morning.

That's when I lost my fear of the dark.

I'd walk the streets aimlessly, passing other late night walkers, avoiding drunken strangers, until I reached the park. Nature ruled the park - no streetlights, no traffic, no large crowds - just peace. It was heavenly, especially when the sky was clear. The moon and stars kept me company all night. I would sit on the grass and just let my worry blow away with the wind.

The dark creatures left me alone in the park... maybe it was because of the other fae creatures my Sleigh Beggy eyes let me see. Large, plump salamanders would come right up to me and curl up on my lap, and these odd sheep-like creatures with wings would fly by sometimes. A vast array of creatures came out at night, but I can't remember them all. But they taught me to love the night, to see the beauty in it. I'm glad they taught me that lesson all those years ago.

But then I was packed up and sent to England, into the bustling city of London. Dark, ugly creatures swarmed the streets - and the night frightened me once more. I couldn't take it. Constantly being stalked by dark fae messing with my head drove me to the brink of insanity. You could say that the fear coupled with depression led me to the bridge that day...

The day that changed everything...

Suddenly, something bursts out of the stream, earning a shocked squeak from me. The "something" jumps up into the air, allowing me to see their large grey paws, fishtail, and silvery hair. Then, it starts hurtling towards the ground. I rush forward, not wanting the creature to get hurt. But just before it hits the ground, its tail morphs into two pawed feet. It lands perfectly, and my mouth drops open. It's black eyes with dark grey irises find me immediately, and it smiles cheerily, clapping its paws together. The creature giggles - it's such an infectious sound, that I find myself smiling too.

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