17 - Accepting Help

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Chisa's POV

My eyes flutter open - I'm still in the cave. My dull green eyes fleet around the cave, focusing on the light seeping in from outside.

How long have I slept?

But does it really matter? As long as I avoid Chise, Elias, Lindel and everyone else like the plague, I'll be fine. There's no doubt they're all looking for me. But still, I wish they would give up already - I'm a lost cause.

I push myself off the sharp, pointy rocks that I slept on, groaning. I stretch out my aching limbs... big mistake...

White hot, fiery pain erupts from my injured foot. I gasp in shock, clamping my hand over my mouth to stop the shrill scream that wants to escape. Tears prickle my eyes - The pain is agonising.

"You really are such a clumsy little thing." Joseph scolds.

I inwardly groan. Why can't you leave me alone?

"Because you belong to me, Chisa." His menacing voice resounds in my mind.

I shudder, whimpering. It'll always be like this. Always. I'll never have a free thought, a free conscious decision, or even a private moment to myself. I threw them all away when I agreed to help Joseph and entered a Pact with him.

I wish I could take it back.

"Do you really, Chisa? That saddens me, puppy. You'd be dead and buried without me."

Anger bubbles within me, threatening to boil over. But I can't stop myself from being sassy: "You're the one who's almost killed me... twice." I'm in no mood for his snarky remarks.

"Watch it, little girl. I granted you time to let out all of your pent up emotions... don't think I'll allow you to disrespect me even though there's distance between us." My head throbs painfully, and I wince, clutching my temple. No doubt it's Joseph's doing. "Am I being clear, puppy?"

"Crystal," I reply, through gritted teeth.

The throbbing in my head disappears, and my mind suddenly feels less heavy. It's a welcome change, seeing as I have to get a move on soon. I shouldn't stay long, who knows how long I've been asleep... I can't let them catch up to me. I need to get out of here, pronto!

But suddenly, I sense something. I freeze. No. It can't be... Straining my ears, I can hear faint murmurings carried by the wind. No... no, this isn't real!

But as more time passes, the murmurings become more distinct. And that's when I hear it - voices!

They're mumbling incoherently at first... but they're getting closer! Anxiety makes my throat constrict.

"..sa has to be out here somewhere... keep looking!"

That voice... Lindel! He's okay! Relief washes over me. I'm glad he's alright.

"Master! Lindel! Over here! I've found blood!"

That voice - it belongs to a girl... but it's not Chise.

"Show me, Alice." Alice?! What's she doing here?

"Yes, this is indeed Chisa's blood." A deep voice rumbles... Renfred! Why are they both here? "We have to find her quickly - the blood may be a few days old... and it has been damaged by the rain. But we can still use it to track her. We shouldn't have too far to look, she can't have gotten far with a wound like this."

"There's more over here! There's a trail!" Alice exclaims.

Her voice is dangerously close! My good eye scans the cave, frantically searching for another way out - but there is only one way... the way I came in.

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