18 - Opening Up

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Chisa's POV

After much gentle coaxing, Lindel, Renfred and Alice brought me back to the Aerie. Lindel healed my foot, and I was grateful for that - the pain was not fun... but I've endured far worse. The sun had long since set over the horizon. Stars speckled the twilight sky. I sat on the lush grass by the fire, just gazing up at it, finally relishing time alone with my thoughts. Happy thoughts.

It felt... surreal.

I thought about how beautiful the Aerie is. How majestic the dragons are, including the little hatchlings curled up around me. My fingers wrapped around the amethyst crystal that rested against my chest. I pondered over what the crystal around my neck is, and how it's protecting me from Joseph.


After mentioning his name, my thoughts became dark. I imagined how furious he would be with me when he gets inside my head again. What will he make me do? What will he say? Will he merge with me? My Flash! It's going to happen! My fingers tightened around the crystal. This artefact is only prolonging the inevitable!

"Chisa!" Arms were suddenly gripping my shoulders, and the hatchling's claws were lightly scraping my knees.

I gasped, coming back to reality. "I'm fine... I s-swear." I said shakily, looking up at Alice's figure that appeared in front of me. But I don't meet her eyes - she'll know I'm lying immediately.

The hatchling hops off my lap and scampers away. I feel bad, my negative thoughts must have scared her.

Alice sighed, releasing my shoulders before settling herself beside me. We sat in silence for a few moments... and I grew tense... Why do I feel like-

"Chisa... do you want to talk?"

Ah, there it is.

"A-about what?" Please don't ask me to talk about the Flash... especially the one from that time...

Images of Joseph merging with me fleet through my brain. I quickly push them away - it's still going to happen!

"Just... anything." Alice says vaguely. She reaches out and grabs my hand. I turn my head towards her, finally meeting her gentle, hazel eyes. "It's just... I know now that he always stopped you from expressing how you really feel, so... if you want to talk now - I'll shut up and listen."

I couldn't help but smile at her choice of words. I covered my mouth, stifling a giggle. Alice also smirked, but I could see the seriousness that settled on her features. She wants me to trust her, so I know I can talk.

But how do I do that? Where do I even start? What do I share? There's no way I can tell them everything... I'm still bound by Joseph's words, right?

My smile faltered. "How d-do I do that? There are things he... f-forbade me to talk about." Fear blossomed in my chest as I remembered his menacing words.

"He is no longer in control of you." Lindel's voice resounded. I tore my gaze away from Alice, and there, on my right was Lindel. He also settled himself beside me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Renfred sit down on the opposite side of the camp fire, but he was still close enough to hear us.

I directed my attention back to Lindel as he spoke: "You are free to speak as you wish. Joseph can not influence you as long as you wear that crystal."

My eyes widened at his words. I glanced down at the crystal in awe. "It's... b-blocking the Pact?" I ask, star struck.

"In essence, yes." Lindel replies, sending me a warm smile.

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