15 - Her War

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Lindel's POV

When I was thrown into the wall, I was shocked. I seemed to have pushed Chisa too far like Chise did. But then I felt the searing pain, and I felt my consciousness slip away from me.

However, I came round rather quickly - which was just as well, for Chisa's condition was deteriorating, fast. Her eyes were wide and fearful, and her skin was white as chalk, making the violet shadows under her eyes more prominent. When I first met her, she was skinny - but now, she can only be described as skin and bone.

I knew that filthy Alchemist was behind this. Her strange behaviour, the darkness of her Aura, and Chisa's reluctance to even mention his name was enough to sound the warning bells in my mind.

But what really confirmed my suspicions, was her fear. The terror and turmoil that shone in her eyes when I'd ask her a direct question. Or how her features would falter when I presumed he spoke to her. It was hard to watch and say nothing. Yet I knew she wasn't ready to talk about it. Even now, his control must be strong enough to prevent her from uttering a word about her inner battle. Chisa is indeed telling the truth - she can't tell us what's going on - but she wishes she could.

Despite the intense pain I felt - pity filled my entire being as I watched Chisa struggling to fight Cartaphilus. His control over her seemed to increase as her eyes became anxious and lifeless:

"I... did this... I... hurt him..." She mumbles mostly to herself as her eyes and hands twitch.

Watching such a wonderful young Mage who is full of potential mentally deteriorate in front of my eyes is distressing.

"You're... right, J-Joseph... I did." Her shaky voice continues.

My eyes widen in realisation. The Alchemist must be conversing with her within the confines of her mind. These are the conversations I cannot hear.

"Chisa! Don't... don't listen to Cartaphilus! I am fine... it was an accident." My ragged voice fills the air. Pain flares in my abdomen, and I clutch it tightly, my face contorting in agony. But what I'm feeling right now, must be a mere fraction of all the pain Chisa has suffered in her short life.

"I'm... dangerous... so v-very dangerous... no one is s-safe from me..." Chisa whimpers, before her glazed, emerald eyes meet mine.

Such wise, aged eyes for one so young... yet they hold so much pain.

"I'm... so s-sorry... so s-sorry... I'm just like... Joseph... j-just like him." She muttered in a pained, broken voice.

My eyes widened as I realised what the Alchemist was doing. He's corrupting her! He's breaking her spirit! He has no right!

"No! Ugh... that's not true, Chisa." I uttered out, desperately trying to convince her to ignore Cartaphilus.

But to no avail.

"I'm... so s-sorry... so s-sorry... I'm just like... Joseph... j-just like him." Chisa continues to mumble, her eyes becoming duller by the second.

"No! Ugh... that's not true, Chisa." I struggle to say, the pain in my abdomen intensifies.

Despite this, I try to stand, leaning heavily against the wall. It's agonising, but I have to try for Chisa's sake. The Alchemist's influence over her is too strong. It must be broken somehow, and fast. My eyes find Chisa, she's standing with her arms tightened around herself, a mixture of worry and terror plastered on her face. She looks... conflicted. Her feet shuffle about; its like she wants to help me, but she doesn't trust herself. And that's when I notice her hand - her ring! It's gone!

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