11 - There Are Three Sides To Every Story

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Chise's Side

Chise's POV

"Chisa!" I yell after her retreating figure.

What good does it do? Nothing. The damage is already done. She keeps running. Running from me.

"Argh!" I scream in frustration, kicking the grass.

I cover my face with my hands and feel the wetness from my tears. I didn't even know I was crying. And why shouldn't I be? I move my hands to my hair, twisting my fingers into the strands as the gravity of the situation sinks in.

Suddenly, I feel Elias' arms wrap around me. I lean into his touch, letting myself be comforted. He doesn't like to see me upset, but he doesn't question my emotional response to the situation. I think he understands what just happened.

I go back to wallowing in self-pity.

"I don't know you... and I'm not sure I want to!"

Why did I say that? Why did I do that to her? Chisa... I'm so sorry!

I was... angry. What else is there to say? It's no excuse, but that's why I yelled at her. I was sick and tired of the lies. I know I've told my fair share - but I did it to protect Chisa! She's lying because... she's scared of Joseph... Or of me?

Of course she's afraid of me... the things I said! I shouldn't have shouted at her, I know that. She's fragile - just like glass. And I've just made things so much worse. I let Joseph's words cloud my judgement. But... what Joseph said that day... could it be true?

I recall the night I went to see him, the day after Elias and I took Chisa to the Aerie and left her in Lindel's care.


"Why did she come here, Joseph? What Dark Magic did you use to get her here?" I raged, holding him up by his collar and pressing him against the wall with my Dragon strength.

Laughter rocks his shoulders. "Always so quick to paint me as the villain, aren't you, Sleigh Beggy? But, you're a smart girl, you know of the Pact between Chisa and I." His voice becomes darker. "Did it occur to you that Chisa simply knows who she belongs to? She recognises me as her Master - she is drawn to me. She came to me of her own free will."

I firmly shake my head, refusing to believe his lies: "She wouldn't do that... she's terrified of you! You just savagely broke her bones and spilled her blood! She knew she would get hurt if she came here willingly - you're lying."

"Regretfully, I am not. Chise was harmed because I was teaching her a lesson-"

I slam his body against the wall. Joseph chokes and splutters, dark circles appearing under his eyes. "Please... stop doing that."

"Then don't say such disgusting things."

"Touché..." He wheezes. "I understand that you want to believe your sister - but she isn't prepared to accept the truth herself. She's lying to protect herself from an ugly truth. She bargained with me, now, she must uphold her end of the deal. She will help me, just as she promised."

"Help you with what?!" I said, exasperated.

"Why don't you ask her yourself? She's your sister - in fact, she's your twin. You share everything with each other, don't you?"

He smiled cynically, before sliding underneath the mountain of blankets, turning his body away from me.

"Besides, I never lied to her - you could say, she trusts me. Oh, and you should know... she's more than happy to help me. I'm not the problem." He mumbles, before promptly falling asleep.

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