8 - Oracle

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Chisa's POV

My hands started shaking upon hearing the voice as my heart stuttered. I don't turn around. I fear the worst.

Is it Joseph?

Oh no... he found me!

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I can't stop the scream that tears its way from my lips.

"N-no!" I yell, struggling to get away.

I manage to spin round, but the person grabs my flailing wrists. But their grip isn't tight... Nevertheless, I'm past reason at this point, and I scream again.

"Hey! Hey! It's alright. Please calm down, child."

I stop screaming and struggling, my heart still pounding. That voice, doesn't belong to Joseph. But it definitely belongs to a man. Blinking away my tears, my eye finds two large hands. This definitely isn't Joseph - his hands are smaller than these hands. This man seems to be wearing some kind of olden day robe - it's white, but the cuffs of the long, flapping sleeves are grey with a square design. Peeking out from underneath the robe, I can see the dark navy sleeves of his tunic. Keeping my eye frozen in front of me, I can also see his long, blond hair, tied into two loose strands... My eyes widen.

I remember this person...

"Will you not look up, child?" I can't help but flinch at his deep voice.

Gathering enough courage, I swallow deeply, and look up. My fearful eye instantly meets his icy blue orbs. I can see the concern that swirls within them, despite the small, reassuring smile that graces his lips. I can't help but notice how young he looks, but I know that looks can be deceiving. There's no doubt about it, though, this man is Lindel.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I thought you may have remembered me, but I shouldn't have assumed. Are you alright, child?"

His gentle voice alone calmed my nerves. A wave of embarrassment crashes over me - I'm such a fraidy cat. I need to learn that not every single voice is hear is Joseph.

"I-I'm fine... I'm s-sorry t-too... I thought y-you we-ere..." I break eye contact and I don't finish my sentence.

Lindel releases my wrists and places his hands on my shoulders: "It's alright, Chisa. I assure you that you are safe here. That filthy Alchemist will never set foot on this land."

I feel my shoulders sag in relief. My eye wanders back to the horizon. Only a few golden rays are visible behind the mountain and the pink hue in the sky is now darkening to red.

"Y-you're right... it's b-breathtaking." I sigh, feeling warmth blossom in my heart.

Lindel hums. "It's rare for a child to appreciate nature these days. But I can see it in your eye that you feel comfortable here."

I just nod my head, my gaze transfixed on the sky, which now has a slight purple hue to it, for the sun has completely disappeared behind the mountain. The sky is still pretty though.

However, with the absence of the sun, the wind gets colder. I shiver, catching Lindel's attention:

"Ah, we should head back to the tent now. You're still recovering, and the last thing you need is a cold."

"Okay..." I say, turning back to Lindel.

But as soon as I do, the numb feeling washes over me and my eye blurs. No... no! Not now! I don't want to see it again! But battling with my mind is useless. Nothing can stop the future. My eye glows bright amethyst as Lindel's blurry figure disappears.

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