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Chisa's POV

'I've broken you.'


'I've broken you.'


'I've broken you.'


The world is a blurry blob as tears cascade down my cheeks. It's a miracle I haven't fallen flat on my face yet. All I can hear are my crackly gasps as I run further away from...


Lindel? The man Joseph says I maliciously hurt.

Am I running from my family? From Chise? What will she say when she discovers what I've done?

Or the truth? But what is the truth? I don't know what's real anymore!

"I think she'll disown you... oh wait, silly me! That's already happened!"

A choked sob escaped my mouth. Joseph's poisonous words... I can't explain it - I know I shouldn't heed them, but... he's right. His words make sense.


What am I saying??

"You're finally facing reality, puppy. You're recognising me as your master. And puppies don't question their master's judgement." Joseph says smugly.

I stop dead in my tracks, suddenly remembering that I called him my Master. How could I have been so foolish? I don't even how how it happened, it just... did.

But why?

A sharp, burning pain in my left foot suddenly grasped my attention. I cried out, falling to my knees. A warm wetness spreads over my foot, mixing with the pain. Glancing behind me, I find a jagged rock protruding from the ground painted red with my blood. A pool of blood is beginning to form around my foot, and the stench of copper and iron hits my nose. I gag, instantly feeling nauseous. I quickly turn away, trying my best to get the image of the deep hole in my sole out of my head. But the intense throbbing certainly isn't making it easy.

Joseph's voice disappears - for some reason unknown to me, he's gone silent. I feel my shoulders sag in relief as I can now think clearly. Gripping my foot, I whimper pathetically, tears staining my cheeks. I look around, trying to make sense of where I am. The ground is hard - rocky and even. The sky is dark with thundering clouds, and I feel a few specks of rain on my face. Oh no... I hate thunderstorms!

My eyes quickly scan the area, searching the jagged cliff faces for an opening that would shelter me from the wind and impending rain.

Lightning flashed in the sky, and a terrified squeak left my mouth. Daylight is fading... I have to find a safe place to hide!

My good eye quickly scans the area, searching for a sheltered spot in the cliff faces. Even a little opening would do. The wind blows harshly, and I shiver, wishing I had a coat. Suddenly, I see a tiny, dark gap in the white stone - a place to hide!

However, as soon as I start limping towards my shelter, the thunder rolls and the rain lashes down, soaking me instantly. I yelp, limping faster, desperate to avoid the storm. As I cross the uneven terrain, I occasionally slip on the muddy grass, aggravating my foot even more. I grit my teeth and persevere, reaching the hole soon after.

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