10 - You Don't Know Me

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Chisa's POV

I don't know how long I slept for. It must have been a while though -opening my eyes wasn't an easy task. When I eventually pried them open, I was met by the familiar surroundings of Lindel's tent. But my heart sank when I realised that I still couldn't see out of my left eye. But I push away the feeling, not wanting to dwell too much on it now. It hasn't fully healed yet, so perhaps there's still hope. Pushing the covers off myself, I stretch and yawn - feeling very well rested.

"Good morning, Chisa."

I inhale sharply. Ice cold fear runs through my veins upon hearing his voice.

How could I forget that he's back inside my head. Forever listening and experiencing everything I am.

I shake my head furiously. No. I've just woken up, I won't let him ruin my day so quickly. I'll ignore him for now.

"Ignore me? It's cute that you think you can do that, puppy."

Leave me be, Joseph. I suddenly remember Lindel's words:

"That filthy Alchemist will never set foot on this land."

That's right! I have nothing to fear here - I'm safe.

"Safe? But I'm already here, Chisa. I'm in your head, little girl."

I instantly feel sick. I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. Why can't he just leave me alone? Why must he ruin everything? Why can't I find peace?

I hate you...

"Careful what you say, Chisa."

I shudder. Hearing his voice inside my head is creepy and just plain wrong. It's like a constant, yet eerie echo. It's frightening. Everything is a battle. I say no, he says yes... and he always wins.


Eager to distract myself, I quickly scramble to my feet. I stumble slightly, my legs feel like jelly. But remembering the scent of the fresh mountain air sobers me up instantly. That scent is comforting, it will clear my head... well, to an extent.

I reach the tent flaps and push them apart, excited to see the wild, unspoiled terrain again. The bright sun pierces my eyes and I shield them quickly, giving my one functioning eye time to adjust to the intense light. I lower my hand, letting my eye sweep across nature's canvas. The sky is a rich blue colour, with several puffy clouds that seem to know not to travel across the sun. The grass feels soft against my heels as I walk closer to the crystal clear water. The wind blows gently, caressing my skin and making my hair sway softly.

"The Starling's awake!" A voice suddenly chirps.

Followed by a chorus of "Yays!"

Curious, I turn around. I gasp - several Dragon hatchlings (one of each kind) are bounding towards me, their feet thundering against the ground, growing louder the closer they get. I wave timidly, but my hand freezes as soon as I realise they aren't slowing down!

"Um... wait!"

Too late...

They crashed into me... and send me flying to the ground. I landed with a thump on my back, cringing in pain as they congregated on top of me.

"Oh no! We're sorry, Chisa!" The small Uil says, shoving all the hatchlings off me using her wings. I stared at her mouth-opened.

It couldn't be...

But there's no mistaking it. As I push myself up into a sitting position, I lock eyes with her. Those golden yellow eyes... it is her!

"It's you!" I exclaim, pointing at her in shock.

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