23 - Control

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Chisa's POV

Over the next few days, Lindel has been slowly teaching me how to use my gift to my advantage. He taught me how to hold back first - as in, how to not absorb all Magic I come across. I didn't even know I was doing it. Lindel admitted that the amethyst necklace I wear acts like a blocker, but he also taught me how to create a mental block too. It's always there now, I hardly even notice it, it's like I'm subconsciously maintaining it. It definitely works though, because I have a lot more energy.

Lindel spent the next few days teaching me how to concentrate solely on my ability. For example, with enhanced focus, I can choose what I get to see. Yesterday, I concentrated on today, and a fragment of today was revealed to me. I saw myself preparing for today's lesson. Lindel and I were conversing about how I can access my visions whenever I wish, and then the Uil appeared. It was all I saw, but at least nothing terrible happened. It was a safe future - something unfamiliar to me, but I liked it. I hope it happens.

Lindel is a wonderful teacher. With each small victory, Lindel praises me. His wise, blue eyes sparkle with pride, and his smile is genuine. My confidence is growing - although it's little baby steps at a time. I'm learning so much, and for the first time, I'm proud of myself.

I'm an Oracle. Joseph and Ashen Eye called me a Seer... but that sounds eerie to me. So I prefer Oracle. And I was wrong - I always saw the glass half empty with what I saw. However, there is so much more to my gift than I ever imagined. Yes, I see the future, but it's my gift. I can be specific about what I want to see, I can have that control. For so many years, my ability was controlling me because I was so afraid of it. Lindel explained that my magic can act like a separate entity if the user has a poor connection to it. It's clear I was in that boat, but with his guidance, I'm improving every day.

And... my speech is better. Ever since Joseph invaded my mind, I had started to stutter - I couldn't help it. But now, I don't stutter as much. I don't know if it's because of where I am now, or if it's Lindel's gentle coaching... or perhaps it's just because I can't hear Joseph anymore. That one is probably the most plausible solution. But even so, it's nice to be able to speak clearer. Little by little, my confidence is being built back up.

So now, here we are, one week later. I've improved immensely thanks to Lindel. I'm waiting for him now, for today's lesson. I'm just sitting here, under Nevin's magnificent tree. I like sitting here - I usually sleep here, too. I'm thankful that Lindel allows me to; but I think he remembers what I said about Chise's energy being in the tree. It's still true - I can feel her presence in the tree, and it's comforting. I can pretend that we never fought that day - melancholy grips my heart like a vice. We will make up, one day... someday soon. I hope.

The sunlight dapples through the pale green leaves. They cast pretty shadows on the ground, moving slightly in the warm, Spring breeze. I'll admit, I let my childish nature get the better of me; I reached out with my hand, letting it be engulfed by the warm rays of the sun, watching my shadow make meaningless shapes against the grass. The dew covered grass tickled my feet as I wiggled my toes, relishing the feeling. The sky was a beautiful azure, and I could see some of the older dragons take flight... so carefree... so free... I smile at the beauty around me, feeling a sense of peace within my heart.

"Little one, your control is slipping," Lindel chides softly.

His voice startles me, but brings me back to the present. Looking down, I see the evidence of my bliss... the little crystal flowers had started to sprout. Oops...

I shifted my gaze to Lindel's kind eyes sheepishly. I chuckled half-heartedly, "sorry, Lindel." I tucked my violet hair behind my ear as I spoke.

He smiles knowingly. "Your connection to the natural world is nothing to apologise for, Chisa. Just be careful." He moves forward and pats my head affectionately.

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