13 - There Are Three Sides To Every Story - Part 3

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The Truth

Chisa's POV

I whip round, my emerald eyes meeting the piercing, crystal blue ones that belong to Lindel. He's looking at me with reassurance... but I can see the knowing spark in his eyes.

"Who were you speaking to, Chisa?"

He heard...
He saw...
He knows...

My eyes widen and I keep my mouth firmly shut. My heartbeat spikes and I tear my gaze away from his striking eyes.

"Say something, puppy."

Like what?? Do I deny it? Say myself? Make an excuse?

I don't know what to do!

"Chisa?" Lindel prompts.

"Um... s-sorry... I was just l-lost in th-thought." I said pathetically, tucking a stray violet strand behind my ear.

"That's... quite alright. But to whom were you speaking to? You have nothing to fear, Chisa. You can be honest."


My ears zoned in on that one word. The word that mocks me. The word that exposes my darkest secret. The only thing I can't be. Tears blurred my vision.

There's a reason Lindel picked that word. He knows... he knows...

Just looking into his piercing eyes I can tell that he knows! He's figured it out. He must have done. That's why he picked that word... he wants me to admit that I lied... about the Pact, about Joseph, the voices in my head...

But I can't.

"Myself." I hear my voice whisper.

Despite my current state, my voice sounded steadier than I expected. Convincing, almost.


Lindel took a step towards me, and I flinched, darting back. He looks concerned. I'm trying to deceive him... and he knows it - but I can't help it. This... this Curse, won't let me tell the truth.

"If you know what's good for you, puppy, convince him." Joseph threatens. "Convince this nosy Mage that you're fine. Because... you are fine, aren't you, Chisa."

"Chisa..." I blink, shaking my head. It's hard to concentrate on his voice, especially when his is echoing in my ears. But Lindel's next statement has my undivided attention. "I think we both know that's not true."

My heart skips a beat, yet I try to keep my face neutral. This man... he's incredibly perceptive. I can already tell that my eyes are shining with fear when I meet his - no matter how hard I try, I can't mask that.

"Try harder, little girl." Joseph booms within my mind, causing me to shiver, making Lindel narrow his blue orbs.

Lindel's gaze is intense, I can feel the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end. His eyes are scrutinising me... and I'm about to crack under the pressure. I have to say something!

"N-No... you're mis-staken... I-I was talking t-to mys-self." Ugh! Why am I stuttering!? It's not convincing when I do that!

"Is that so?" Lindel asks - by his tone I know he is not convinced.

He tries to move closer to me again, and I can't back away anymore, unless I want to fall to my death off this cliff. I quickly hold my hand out, pleading with him:

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