25 - Showdown

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Chisa's POV

The darkness suddenly ceases spinning. Ashen Eye's cloak is removed from my head, but the world is still enveloped with the shadows of the night. Before I can come to my senses, Ashen Eye roughly releases me, and my form tumbles to the ground. I yelp as my body connects with the ground, my left elbow taking the brunt of the fall.

"I hope you enjoy your reunion, little Starling."

I flinch upon hearing Ashen Eye's gravelly voice. But when I snap my head in the direction his voice came from, I see him vanish into thin air.

My heart skips a beat, and fear causes goosebumps to prickle all over my arms. The silence is deafening...

I'm alone now, right?

I grimace before gingerly pushing myself up off the hard ground. The moon provides the only light. She illuminates my surroundings... and I'm suddenly wishing I was anywhere but here.

I'm in the well.

Joseph's well.

The moon encases the red bricked well in an eerie silvery glow. The stairs cast long, foreboding shadows onto the opposite side of the well. The side I can't see. Everything doesn't touch the light, so the moon makes the shadows appear darker and more sinister.

I quickly scan the well with my limited vision. The silence almost hurts my ears. But...

He's here. I know he is.

My heart hammers inside my chest as the hair on the back of my neck stands up and a chill travels down my spine. I can feel him staring at me. I search blindly for his eye but see nothing. But that doesn't matter. I know he's here.

Because I can sense the wicked Alchemist.

"Really, Chisa? Is that any way to address your master?" Joseph chastised... from right behind my ear.

I screamed, and attempted to create distance between us. But as always, Joseph strikes like a cobra. He snatched my arm with his iron grip and tugged it sharply. My blood froze in my veins. I stumbled back while he forcefully turned me around. My hands shot out as I collided with his chest. I tried in vain to push myself away from him, but he wrapped his arm around my waist, caging our bodies together. I whimpered pathetically as his frosty breath assaulted my ear. I'm petrified of this being.

"I missed you, my puppy." He cooed eerily.

I trembled in his hold, my eye twitching.

Why am I not fighting!? Why am I not running?

"Because you know you can't get away." Joseph whispered into my ear.

I screamed in terror. His comment was enough to knock some sense into my frozen joints. I roughly pushed myself away from him, turned around, and started running for the hills.

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. As I ran up the spiralling stairs, my heart pounded relentlessly, blocking out all other sound. But in no time, I was wheezing. My feet slapped loudly against the concrete as I pushed myself to go faster.

Because I could hear him. He was right behind me. Hunting me like his prey.

My heart skipped a beat and tears stung my eyes as I reached the top of the well. But there was no time to stop. I had to get away. Even in the dark, I spotted the cottage immediately.


Wasting no time, I headed straight to the only source of protection. I can only hope Chise is happy to see me - I hope we can make up.

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