Chapter 32

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AMIR's Pov.

"Babe?" Ayush called out looking up from her phone.

"Yes love" i kept my phone on the bedside drawer and faced her completely.

"So there's this friend of mine jiddah that's getting married" she trailed off.

"Uhum" i took her hand in mine and gently caressed it.

"And she invited me"

"Sure you can–"

"It's in kano, and some events will be done in dawakin kudu; a local government in kano"

"No you can't go"

"Why not" she quickly pulled her hand and farrowed her brows.

"You've never been to dawakin kudu and kano is a no going area for you"

"Yes I've never been to tsakuwa but what do you mean by no going area for me"

"Isn't kano the place that got you traumatized, I don't want you having those nightmares again, you're finally getting better and you want to go back there, I can't risk that"

"Please let me go I'll be fine inshaAllah"

"No you're not going"

"Baby please" she cutely pouted her lips.

"You're not going and that's final" i yelled at her and with that she took her hijab and stormed out of the room.

"What have i done" i ran a hand through my hair.

"I should've calmly talked to her out of it and not yell at her" i took my phone and dialed her number but i heard her ring tone close. I turned my head and saw her phone. Geeez she left it here.

I quickly stood up and checked the other room in the apartment but she wasn't there, I checked the bathroom, the kitchen and the guest toilet but she was nowhere to be found.

I dialed Fatima's number and she picked up immediately.

"Hello" i heard her say in a sleepy voice.

"Is ayush with you" i ran a hand through my hair once again.

"Y-yess" i released a breath and sat down on the sofa.

"Can you please give her the phone"

"Yeah *yawn* yeah sure"

"Ayush ya amir wants to talk to you"

"Tell him i don't want to talk" i heard her voice in the background, she talked so calmly yet angrily.

"She said she doesn't want to talk, you want anything else"

"Please tell her it'll only take a minute"

"He said it'll only take a minute"

"I said I don't want to talk" i heard her say angrily in the background.

"She said she doesn't want to talk so bye" she hung up. I groaned throwing my phone across the sofa luckily It didn't fall on the floor. I massaged my temple and walked to my room.

I hissed and went back to the sitting room to take my phone. I sat down on the sofa and turned on my phone looking at her picture on my lockscreen and i fell asleep in the process.

AYUSH's Pov.

I woke up to see fatima beside me in her room, i was confused as to what i was doing in fatima's room before last night's incident clicked on my head.

I wore my hijab and walked downstairs, luckily no one is up cause I'm not ready to answer any of mama or Bappa's questions.

The workers greeted me and i nodded respectfully before heading to that man's apartment. I used my key to unlock the door to the entrance and there i saw him sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa.

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