Chapter 61

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They say happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything it is. And now that at see my life with that perspective I feel nothing but happiness, pure euphoria.

The happiness that washed over me when the doctor broke the news to me can not be matched with anything in this world.

And now I seat on this hospital bed thanking Allah Azza Wajjal for letting me see this day and hear this news.

There was a point in life where this seemed impossible, when I thought I'll never be able to have kids I'll call mine, when I lost all hope in conceiving, when when when... a lot of whens.

I placed my hand on my stomach, there was a baby in there, me and Amir's baby, prove of our love, a part of him and a part of me.

It felt like it's my first time having a baby inside of me. It's been 3 years and it still feels the same. The same feeling I had when I found out I was pregnant, just this time my happiness had a little mix of fear in it. Fear of losing another baby.

I watched as the door was being pulled open and my husband was in sight with a smile adorning his lips. He looked so tired and happy at the same time.

He walked towards me and sat down at the edge of the bed "ayush we're pregnant" he slowly said his voice filled with emotions and for a moment there I saw tears in his eyes.

"We're pregnant" he said again with a smile amidst his tears, tears filled with nothing but joy in them, that I'm sure of and that made my eyes prick with tears.

All the air rushed out of my lungs as he pulled me to him in one swift move, I was engulfed in his warmth, his scent and in his love. His arms encircled my waist and my hands found their way to the middle of his back and I locked them there.

We stayed in that position for what seemed like forever and cried on each other's shoulder.

He pulled his body away from mine and kissed away my tears and I did the same. He fell on his knees, facing the qibla with his forehead on the floor I watched him expressing his way of happiness with tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Ayush we're really pregnant?" He asked as if finding it hard to believe. It's not his fault, doctors said I won't be able to give birth again and Allah has lightened our lives once again.

I nodded with a smile.

Amir raised up to his feet and before anyone could say Jack Robinson, I found myself in the comfort of his embrace. I felt safe in his arms and never want him to pull away but the exact opposite happened.

He slightly pulled away examining my face he muttered "regalo"


"I'm lost of words wallahi, I don't even know what to say, you've just made me the happiest man alive and inshallah this pregnancy will be a safe one, i love you baby" with that he merged our lips together, what he couldn't say in words he expressed them on our lips.

We pulled away after sometime and he cupped my cheeks.


"Yes love"

"Take me away from this place please, you know how much I hate hospitals" I said with a pout.

"Yes I know and you'll be out of here in no time inshallah, lemme just go meet the doctor" he placed a lingering kiss on my forehead and left.

Just as he left the person I wasn't expecting to see and not ready to face anytime soon walked in; my mother in law.

She had a look of sympathy on her face, she looked so defeated and guilty. I felt my heart pounder with each step she took towards me.

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