Chapter 56

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It was a normal day at the amin's. Najib got ready to go on his evening jog which he does during the weekends. He connected his phone to his AirPods and blasted his favorite song for the week; bounce by rouger.

He started his jog around their estate listening to his favorite song with his eyes closed when he bumped into a dark skinned petite looking lady.

"Watch where you're going you fool" the lady who seemed to be around her early 20s said adjusting her hijab. She and her sister were out for a stroll around the estate.

"Sis" her sister who looks exactly like her at the age of 18 continuously tapped on her shoulder.

Najib looked down at her in shock, like how dare she call the General Najib Amin a fool, this might just be the worst mistake she's ever made cause he's not one to be messed with.

"The fuck! You just bumped into me and you can't even say sorry, wadda hell" she looked up with furrowed brows, he's so much taller than her and that's didn't intimidate her at all not to talk of how muscular he is. She's always loved tall muscular men but the man in front of her didn't catch her eye at all. He bumped into her and can't even say sorry.

"Sissss" her sister shook her.

"Guy can't you say sorry?" his silence triggered her even more, she snapped her fingers before his face and he didn't react to it.

"Sissss" her sister half yelled trying to get her out of the trouble she's about to land them in. No one crosses Najib Amin and goes scot free, he's the meaner twin amongst the Amin twins.

"Keh what"

"He's Najib Amin" if looks could kill the look najib was giving them would've killed them on the spot, it frighten the little sister but not at all the older.

"Ok so" she gave her sister a confused look not before glaring at the man standing in front of her.

"This is General Najib Amin I'm talking about, he's a public figure, how the hell don't you know him"

"I don't care who he is, he should say sorry or is he a mute" she put her hands akimbo waiting for her apology.

"I'm not a mute and I won't say sorry also" he wondered where those words came from, never has he talked that long to a girl except for zarah. His words are always short and collective and this girl just made him talk, he'll surely make her pay for it.

"He just talked, I mean he said more than 5 words at once, I heard he hardly talks and you just made him, girl you're dead" she turned to leave and her sister drag her by her veil.

"If I'm going to die then we'll die together cause we're not leaving here till he says sorry" the younger sister groaned and crossed her hands on her chest.

"Guy apologize so we can all get back to what we were doing as you can see it's getting late" her nose flared.

"Ummita let's go please" her sister pleaded with her, she sure isn't ready to die this soon. Who messes with a soldier please, her sister is one heck of a troublesome girl.

"Keh hafsah we're not going anywhere till he apologizes" his silence kept triggering something in her, she's been talking and he said just a few words which apparently he doesn't talk that long.

His phone rang from his pocket, he pulled it out and swiped to answer.

"Hello" he said with a deep voice enough to make Hafsah shiver.

"Najib come back home right now please we need to talk" his twin brother nabil said in the other side.

"Okay" with that nabil ended the call, he knows his brother isn't going to say anything else no matter what so he saved himself the trouble.

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