Chapter 5

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Wen we got back home I went and greeted mama and bappa then went straight to my room thinking of Ayush, her beautiful eyes, her angelic voice, she's just an average height with dark brown eyes and long lashes and is fair in complexion.

"Amir you have Safina stop all this" my inner self said "you know how Safina is"


I woke up by the sound of adhan, then I walked to my bathroom performed ablution and prayed subh.

After praying I took my Qur'an and read my favorite sura, which is suratul yasin, after reading the sura I kept the Qur'an and went back to sleep


I woke up around 11:30am, I went straight to my bathroom and did my toilet routines and got out, since it's Sunday I decided to wear a lazy Sunday outfit then got downstairs.

I saw shafa and Lami setting the dining table while mami, baba and ya Hafiz are watching BBC

"salamu alaikum'' I announced my presence

"wa alaikumul salam" they all replied

"yauwa, Ayush let's go and eat breakfast since you are down" mami said

"okay toh"

We went to the dining table and munched on our waffles, the place was so quiet so I decided to talk

"mami, baba, ya Hafiz am turning 20 next month inshallah" I said grining from ear to ear

"wow my sis is getting old" ya Hafiz said

"my auta is all grown up now" mami said

"Alhamdullilah auta is turning 20, Masha Allah"

"yes oo"

I finished my breakfast then went to the gazebo to have fresh air, then called Farhan

"hey love" he said at the other end

"hi, yakake"


"I miss you wlhi"

"as if u mean it"

"I do"

"I'll just pretend I believe u, don't worry kinji'

"pretend kuma"


"am so angry with you, don't talk to me ever again" I frowned as if he can see me

"you know am joking, sorry"

"it's okay"

"bye, daman I just called to hear your voice"

"hmm bye"

I hung up then started chatting with fatima

'hey girl' - me

'heyyo' - bestie😩❤

'yakike' - me

'lfy' - bestie😩❤

'how is ya Hafiz ❤ - bestie😩❤

'you won't even ask after me😞😔' - me

'you are by the way now idiot, how's he' - bestie😩❤

'oh so hakane abun' - me

'no bestie, but how's he' - bestie😩❤

'he's fine Idiot' - me

'keh our bday is in 1 month time' - me

'yh, where do u think we should hold it, just a little friends and family' - bestie😩❤

'kk' - me

'let's celebrate in dunes, don't yah think' - bestie😩❤

'yh that's a great Idea' - me

'and for the people, we are going to invite not more than 20 people' - bestie😩❤

'yh my side : mami, baba, ya khadija and her fam, farhan, I think that's it❤😉' - me

'key you forgot ya Hafiz' - fatima

'😂😂 I wanted u to say that' - me

'worreva from my side : mama, abba, ya Amir, ya Muhammad and his fam, ya umar, safina and Amira' - bestie😩❤

' Amira is that cutie koh' - me

'yup' - bestie😩❤

I kept my phone then I heard Hanan's voice "anty ayush" she called out

"na'am baby!!" I yelled walking to the palour

"hanan yakike" I picked her up, well hanan is 5 years old.

"where ur momma"

"she's in the sitting room" she said with her thick british accent, that girl can talk eh.

"oh, let's go"

"ya khadija, ya naim ina yini"

"lafiya qalau" they replied in a unison

We heard the athan for zuhr, so the men went to the mosque while Mami went to her room and ya khadija and I went to my room and prayed.

When the men got back baba went to his parlour, ya naim, ya Hafiz, ya khadija, Hanan and I sat in the sitting room.

We played truth or dare, prayed asr, watched movies and had so much fun until ya naim announced they're leaving since its magrib.

We bid them goodbye then ya Hafiz and I talked about everything and nothing, prayed isha then went to our rooms, I took a short hot shower and wore my pj's and took my mac book to watch some movies I downloaded.

Heyyyo!!! how are you all? hope fine, so how was the chappie, boring yah? is it a yay👍🏾or a nay👎🏾, and sorry for the late update 😔 Don't forget to


With love ✨💜

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