Chapter 21

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"We want you to marry Ayush" he said with a serious face.

"What? Habaa" I furrowed my brows.

"Haba what? Am not requesting you"

"Gaskiya I can't marry her" I tilted my head to the side "I seriously can't, how can you tell me to marry Ayush"

"Amir you've grown wings koh, you're talking back at your father" mama said angrily.

"No Mama it's not like that, kawai nidai I cannot marry her, haka kurin, why will he say that" I protested.

"You're not getting any younger Amir, you need to start your own family" Mama said.

"But frankly-"

"Kaimun shiru" she yelled.

"Amir use one of the houses you've designed for me, use the last one you've designed, it's your best design ai, I want you to have it" Bappa said "You're getting married in a month time" he added.

"Okay" I stood up and left, I don't want this conversation to go further I might disrespect him and that will be the last thing I'll ever want to happen. Am very furious, I know i can say anything out of anger.

I went to my apartment and slammed the room to my door.

How dare she does that to me, just because we're friends doesn't mean she should take advantage of it, her boyfriend left her so now she made a plan with her therapist so she could get me. Whatever the cause of her depression is I don't want to know. They're so many guys out there why does she have to choose me. I hate her. A knock came by the door bringing me back from my train of thoughts.

"Just come in" I yelled.

"Ya amir why are you angry, you're fuming" fatima came in making herself comfortable on my bed.

"Bappa has arranged my marriage" I said not sparing her a look.

"What? That's terrible" she said but I kept mute.

"With who?" She talked again.

"Your friend"

"Who? Zeenah?" she gave me a confused look.

"No! Never! Ayush"

"What?" She gasped inhaling and exhaling.

"Horrible yeah?"

"No! That's amazing, my best friend is going to be my sister in-law" she squealed.

"Gerrout of my room" I pulled her up by her arm and pushed her to the door.

"It's not going to change anything" she rolled her eyes.

"I know" I slammed the door at her face.

"Mstw, all girls are the same, there'll never be a room in my heart for Ayush, am never going to love her, I hate her" I stormed.


"Ayush I heard you're going to marry ya Amir" Fatima said at the other end.

"Yeah, but what about zeenah, she's been crushing on him for what seems like forever, now she's going to hate me" I rolled my eyes as of she could see me "I don't think he knows she's crushing on him" I adjusted the phone to be in between my shoulder and ear so I could slice an apple.

"Hmm he knows, he found out since"

"Ohh, but fatima I don't want my friend to hate me and I can't go against baba, the wedding is in 1 month and she's coming back in 2 months time" I walked back to my room with a plate of apple.

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