Chapter 54

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Sauleeee___  This one is for you 💗!



The humid breeze of august fanned my face immediately I stepped a foot in my balcony. I placed my hand on the railing and wiped off the rain drops on it. I watched the busy streets of gwarimpa listening to the sound of rain drops tapping on the window.

I couldn't help but think intensively as to why farhan called me earlier with his voice filled with disappointment, rage, wrath, fury, outrage you name it.

He said he'll come over that what he wants to discuss with me can't be done over a phone call so here I am waiting for him to arrive.

Yes farhan and I have our bad times, we fight like every other normal couples do but never for once has he talk to me the way he did earlier.

What could I have done to make him so angry?! Farhan is a very buoyant person, he hardly gets angry but when he does, it's not a really good sight to see.

The sound of a horn jolted me out from my train of thoughts. I walked back to my room and when I saw farhan's incoming call I knew he was the one that horned and is waiting for me outside.

That's one thing I know about farhan when he's angry, no matter what the situation is he won't come in, he'll wait for me in the car to go meet him. And one thing I love the most about our relationship is we make up easily, it usually ends when we talk things out respectfully.

I took my veil and ambled out of my room reading the text he sent'Come meet me in my car fast' okay that's a first.

I released a breath when I saw him looking so calm, he was standing in front of his car but not leaning on it because it just finished raining, the car still has rain drops on it.

"Hi" I said with a shaky voice.

"Get in" he furrowed his brows and got into the driver's side. I did as I was told clutching unto my phone as if it's make me less scared.

"Farhan?" I broke an uncomfortable silence that erupted in the car, he didn't talk since we got in as if trying to calm himself down.

"Amina why did you send that text to ayush" he said his voice filled with wrath.

"What text" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"This text" he pushed his phone to my face.

I remember this text and when I sent it. It's a text I sent to ayush in order to break her marriage but I was forced to do it and told not to let the secret out no matter what.

The person threatened to kill my mother if I don't do it and if I let out the person's name. I took a screenshot of the text and sent it to my phone then to the mastermind as proof and I forgot to delete the screenshot.

But how did he find out I was the one that did it, oh wait it's quite obvious, I'm the only person that knows his phone passcode. I've messed up big time.

I sent the text to ayush before jiddah's wedding, it was a perfection opportunity I got when farhan came to tell me about his leave to kano, he left his phone in the living room and went to pray and that's when I sent the text.

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