Chapter 52

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I woke up to the sound of adhan for zuhr prayers, I can't believe I've been sleeping for more than 13 hours. I'm off salat so I didn't bother waking up for subh and slept straight to zuhr time.

My girlfriends and I had a slumber party to remember old times and it really took my mind off amir and zeenah for a moment there I forgot their existence.

Zeenah called me earlier to update me about her night with amir, who does that for goodness sake, it's supposed to be secret between her and her husband but no she's telling a third party.

I brushed that off and checked the time.

Suhail will be taking me out for ice cream today, the idiot really missed me after saying he didn't. He'll come pick me by 1:30pm and it's already 1:05pm.

I quickly got out of bed and to my surprise there was no one in the room not even their sleeping bags were left in the room. I shook my head and went to the bathroom and freshened up.

I got dressed in a red abaya and a matching veil, applied a little bit of kohl to pop up my eyes, powder and some lip gloss to my chapped lips.

Impressed with my dressing I sprayed not much perfume, took my bag which has all the stuff I'll need and ambled of the room to meet my girlfriends and suhail in the dining table.

"Is it one thirty already suhail" I said walking further and sat down beside amira. Not all of them stayed over tho, some went back home, only 5 stayed for the slumber party.

"No it's 10:30" he sarcastically said and i rolled my eyes.

"As you can see we made brunch for you, show some appreciation please" khairy said.

"Awww thank you guys" I blew them an air kiss. Nadia served me a plate of Poached eggs with broccoli, tomatoes & wholemeal flatbread.

"Dig in" said fatima and I did as I was told.

"Who made this" I moaned savoring the taste of the poached egg.

"Suhail did" zarah said looking up from her phone.

"Swear" I looked up to meet suhail's eyes in shock.

"Wallahi shi yayi and later on he'll be acting like he hates you" zulaiha chuckled almost choking on her food.

"Sannu" I passed her a glass of water patting her back lightly.

"Zulee gulma will kill you one day" suhail rolled his eyes and looked down at his phone.

"Haba bestie don't say that to her, I'm done seff let's go" I stood up and adjusted my veil.

"Suhail let's go what are you busy doing"I went to his side and snatched away his phone from his hand to see my picture on his Lock Screen as wallpaper. He quickly turned the phone off before I snatched the phone away. My eyes almost bulged of out its sockets but I pretended like I saw nothing and gave him back his phone.

I'll make sure I tease him with it.

"It's not what you think ayush" he said trying to defend himself and the girls stretching their necks out to hear what we're about.

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