Chapter 40

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The humid breeze of abuja hit my face immediately I stepped out of the ayebee private jet. I'm finally back and away from all the drama in dawakin kudu. My visit to kano was really a rough one but alhamdullilah now that I'm back everything will be good or so I thought.

The bride was conveyed yesterday which got me remembering my first days in my marriage life, it was far more than horrible it was terrific. But everything is falling in place thou my husband and I are not in good terms currently.

I met one of amani's family members before my leave and it broke my heart to hear they still don't believe I'm not the reason behind amani's death. A lot of things bad things is If may add has happened to me in my visit to kano the only good thing that happened which caused the thing that hurt me the most right now is farhan's return.

Zeenah has found out about my relationship with amir, apparently she found out since, she was just going with the flow and she's cool with it. I thought she's going to end our friendship but that wasn't the case at all.

I knew I felt someone behind me before we traveled to kano in the air port and my suspicion was right it was zeenah and she saw everything. She found out in my first days of getting married I mean even a fool would've found that out.

Our wedding was nothing like a quiet and simple wedding it was posted in so many blogs, YouTube channels and many arewa wedding Instagram accounts, to say my wedding with ya amir didn't break the internet will be an understatement cause it really did.

The wedding of the children of two well known and successful business men and ya amir being a well known businessman himself. Then how would zeenah not have found that out, I was so stupid to think I could hide such a thing from her.

Ya amir came to the after party and there zeenah saw us together, I wanted to convince her that it's not what it looks like but she said "you don't have to hide it from me ayush, I know you two are married, I've known all along I just went with the flow" I felt so relived at the moment and she's happy about it, she said she's so happy for me, I got married to the man of her dreams.

I didn't even get the chance to explain to ya amir, zeenah dragged me away from him and now he still thinks I'm guilty. We came back together with him but he didn't sit beside me instead he sat down with his guys them ahmad and ya hafiz.

"Ayush lafiya?" harira halted my thoughts and i just nodded.

"Let's go"

"Where's my husband" I asked looking around.

"He left"

"What do you mean by he left" I asked puzzled.

"He said he has something important he needs to take care off"

"So his work is more important than me now" I said my eyes getting misty.

"He's a fish, don't mind him"

"Amarsu lafiya?" Ahmad asked passing me my hand luggage.

"It's nothing ahmadu something went in my eye let's go"

"But wait where's zeenah?" I asked fatima.

"She left" she replied typing away on her phone not bothering to spare me a glance.

"She left?"

"Yeah she left immediately amir did, what's up with those two" ya hafiz said.

"They're just acting like fools, we came together and they both left leaving us here" fatima said.

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