Chapter 50

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Ayush removed Amir's hand from her waist immediately they stepped foot in his room. She masked you when she saw the coast was clear and zeenah wasn't in sight.

"How many days will you spend in your honeymoon" she said with a straight face.

"5" she nodded and packed the amount of clothes he'll need for his 5 days trip.

"Uhm it's almost time for your flight" she forced a smile looking down at her watch.

"Are you really going to keep treating me like this regalo" he helped her stand up from bedside his traveling bag placing his hands on her shoulder.

She kept a straight face and he cupped her cheeks. He looked deep into her eyes, it was blazing with fire, wrath and rage. She removed his hand from her cheeks and walked away leaving him in the closet.

Zeenah watched as ayush walked out to their husband's room and amir followed suite looking down.

Acting like all those loyal wives she helped him with his traveling bag and they made their way to the parking lot.

"I'll drive" amir said.

Ayush nodded and got in the passenger's seat, amir got in the driver's leaving his new bride at the back seat alone.

He turned on the ignition and ayush connected her phone to the car, blasting their favorite song. She let down the grudge she has with amir for the mean time to make zeenah jealous. She's a third wheeler after all.

Ayush slipped her arm through his elbow hugging his arms with her both hands and kept her head on his shoulder. She took him by surprise and he took that opportunity and kissed her head.

They talked and did some catching up which they haven't done since he told her about him getting married completely forgetting zeenah In the car, getting all mushy mushy giving each other kisses before she interrupted with a clear of throat.

Zeenah watched all their moments getting jealous and boiling in anger from behind. They could at least wait till she's not around before they start showing affection. She knows they forgot about her in the car but that doesn't mean they should show so much affection for each other. Their on a drive for goodness sake what if they hit someone's car.

Her face lit up when they arrived at Nnamdi Azikwe International airport. They can finally get away from each other. She was so excited and eager to take snaps in her husband's private jet, not his father's but the one he designed by himself, she wanted to take snaps and post it on her snapchat story but what she didn't know is the jet is for him and his wife and never to be used with her.

Her face dropped when she saw the direction they were going to. They'll be using first class but she didn't like it one bit, she wanted to show off her husband's wealth to her followers.

"Bye I'll miss you" he pecked ayush's cheeks and she smiled.

"I'll miss you too" her hands were around his neck while his was on her waist.

"If you don't let go of me now you're going to miss your flight and mama will kill you if you don't go on this honeymoon" she chuckled.

"I know right, I'm literally being forced to go on a honeymoon" he rolled his eyes.

"Hmm I know, just make sure you treat your bride right"

"I'll try" he said ever so boring.

"You can let go of him now" zeenah walked to them tired of watching them show affection to each other.

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