Chapter 44

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I bet y'all weren't expecting this.


I watched as she ate some of the chocolates in the boxes, she looks so cute. She picked up a paper bag and looked at me with wide eyes.

"Open up" she brought out a box from the paper bag and opened it. I watched as she brought a red dress out of it and she stood up looking at me with misty eyes.

"No no no, no more tears, you've cried more than enough now"

"It's so beautiful" she said in awe.

"Come" I held her hand.

"But I'm not done opening the gifts"

"You can continue that later, I can't wait to see you in that dress" she shook her head and chuckled.

"Come" I took her back to her room, she walked into the closet and I patiently waited for her to be out.

"Damnnnn that's my wife" I hyped her up making her chuckle.

"Twirl for me" I said and she did, the red dress complimented her skin so much.

A knock came by the door, I already know who it was so.

"Yes come in" a lady in her mid 20's came in with a kit.

"Good evening" she greeted.


"Who's is this?" Ayush asked with a puzzled face.

"This is..."

"Tania" the girl completed.

"Yeah tania, she's a make up artist"

"Why is she here?" Ayush asked and ignored her.

"Get to work" i ordered and the girl nodded.

"I'll be right back" I went to the mosque to pray magrib.

I met ayush in the living room, at a moment I couldn't recognize her, she looks so beautiful, the makeup was simple yet nice, she did it just the way I asked her to.

The eyeliner popped her beautiful eyes, that's a feature I like the most in her.

I always get lost in them. she looks so beautiful.

MashaAllah, that's all I can say.

"Damnnn baby girl" I walked closer, I knew I didn't waste my money.

I dismissed the girl and wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her close to me.

"You look beautiful" I muttered.

"Thank you" she said with a cute smile.

"I'll be right back" I know how ayush is she's probably standing there disappointed because I left. I chuckled and walked to my room to dress up.

I went back and met her in the same position I left her with her hands on her waisted.

"Sannu" she said and I chuckled.


"What?" I asked when I saw how she was looking at me.

"Nothing" I walked closer and slipped my hand around her waist.

"Let's go" we walked out and I saw her stop when she saw the new car.

"Here" I pulled out the car keys from my pocket and gave it to her.

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