Chapter 37

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"Farhan" I covered my mouth with my palm tears threatening to stream down. I tried to stop them but they betrayed me coming with force.

"We might wanna give them some space" fatima said. She's becoming sensible all of a sudden. And with they left but didn't go far.

"Farhan is it really you?" I said trying to confirm what I'm seeing.

"Yes ayush yes" he said enthusiastically.

"I-" I opened my mouth to talk but the words weren't coming, I could only sob at the moment.

"Can you please stop crying, you know how much it pains me to see you in tears" he said calmly and surprisingly the tears stopped coming immediately. Ohh how much I miss hearing him soothe me when I cry.

"I missed you so much farhan, why did you leave me, why? I yearned for your return, I just knew you were still alive but no one believed me" the tears came back with full force.

"You left me after becoming everything to me, just when I became free, just when I started healing from amani's incident, why did you do it farhan why?" At a moment i forgot we're in the airport and people are probably watching us but I wouldn't care less.

"I'm so sorry ayush, I didn't mean to, I just wanted you to be happy"

"How so, how do you expect me to be happy after losing someone I loved so much farhan, how?"

"A lot of people started calling me crazy because I believed you're still alive, I just knew it but no one was ready to believed me, they took me to a psychologist, they made me look mad, no one believed me not even ya haidar"

"Why did you leave farhan? Why?!"

"I'm so sorry, please stop crying please, I left because I thought I wasn't worthy of your love, i wasn't sure of seeing the next day and i didn't want you to be a widow at a very young age, I felt like you deserve someone better, someone that would never keep secrets from you, someone that will not make you fall so hard knowing he might not see the next day, I've always wanted what's best for you and i thought the best thing to do is leave so you can find someone better, I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't think of anything better at the moment but that, I'm sorry and I hope you can ever find it in your heart to forgive, I know you're married now and probably love your husband more than you've ever loved me but I love you so much and that will never change you'll always have a special place in my heart"

"Oh farhan" I wiped off my tears with the sleeve of my abaya.

"I missed you so much ayush, I missed you more than you can ever imagine" i covered my mouth with my palm once again not knowing what to say. I hate the fact that I forgive easily and the worst part is I can't change that about me, but maybe someday something will come that will make me change.


"Farhan?" I said more like asked, I just can't believe farhan is right in front of me after so many years.

"Yes ayush" he smiled after taking a sip of his chapman. We stopped at a restaurant here in kano before we continue our journey to dawakin kudu.

"How did all this happen" I said and he gave me a puzzled look clearly waiting for me to be more detailed.

"I mean what happened, I thought the transplant wasn't successful"

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