Chapter 31

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Dedicated to Sauleeee___


"Babe why are you trying to hurt that poor soul" i said making him turn 360 to face me.

"Hurt who?" He gave me a puzzled look and i hissed.

"You know what am talking about" i rolled my eyes.

"Yeah but what will you gain from this"

"Your happiness" i said with the softest voice and he sighed.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more" I know he said that to change the topic but I'll just let it slide.

"I'll be taking my leave now" he stood up and i walked him to the door.

"Bye" i blew an air kiss to him and he dramatically caught it placing his hand on his chest.

"I'm missing you already" i slightly pouted making him chuckle.

"You'll soon be mine inshaAllah and we'll always be together"

"You mean during the weekends because of work" i smirked.

"Yeah that" he chuckled.

"Anyways bye i have to go meet up with abba, we have something important we need to sort out"

"Alright bye love"

"Bye" with that he got into his car and drove away. I sighed and went back into the huge well furnished living room.

"Ayush hurry you're getting late" i heard ya amir yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back stuffing some necessary stuffs into my bag. I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before ambling out of the room.

"Have you eaten your breakfast?" I asked immediately our eyes met.

"Yeah i have, but why didn't you?" He gave me a confused look.

"Am fasting"

"I still haven't finished the ramadan fast i missed and you see ramadan is around the corner"

"Ohh, that means you're finishing today"

"Yuppp, can I please stop by at your house after school, I haven't seen mama in a while and you're always busy to take me"

"Sure why not" he intertwined our hands and walked out not forgetting to close the door.

"Take care, I'll come pick you up from the ayebee mansion inshaAllah"

"Alright bye" i said and got into my car. The driver got in and greeted before turning on the ignition.

"Ayush!" A familiar voice called out but i didn't turn instead I continued my journey to my department.

"Aishatu Muhammadu" i heard the familiar voice say again. There's only one person that calls me that, i turned and saw the person i miss the most right now.

"Zeenah" i said and she came over giving me a bone crushing hug.

"Yakike? Oh my God am I dreaming, someone pinch me!" I said fanning my face with my hand and i felt a sharp pain by my arm.

"Who's the idiot that pinched me, am sure it's fatima" i turned to my side and it was her, only she can do this.

"You asked for it" she said in a duhh tone.

"I wish i can remember the trash i got you from I would've took you back" i hissed.

"Kutt, ayush zan ci maki mutunci (I seriously don't know how to translate this)"

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