Chapter 10

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3rd person's pov.

"ayush I want to tell you something really important" Farhan said.

"what is it?" she asked then he lowered his head.

"farhan tell me" still quiet.

"tell me mana"

"I just wanted to say" he started then stopped.

"ehen..." she said worried.

"I promise, I love you and only you, that's wat I wanted to tell you my queen, I love you" he winked and burst out laughing.

'this wicked soul thinks it's funny' she thought.

"look at your face" he said and started laughing harder.

When the laughter died down she decided to talk.

"are you done" she asked pissed.

"nope" he replied and burst out laughing clenching his stomach.

*after 5 minutes*

"farhan you got me all worried and you were laughing" she said angrily.

"sorry mi amor, you just look cute wen you're angry" he smiled and got back to where he was sitting earlier.

"ugh am hungry" he rubbed his tummy.

"uhm waiter" he called out the waiter.

"I want 2 sfc nuggets meal, 1 burger meal and 1 grilled chicken fillet meal"

Ayush was just looking at him in WOW.

"ohh sorry, my bad Ayush what will you like have" he asked her.

"hmm, 1 strips meal pls" the waiter jotted everything down and walked away.

"so you eat like this" she asked.

"no I don't, more than this" he replied.

"okay" that's all she said.

"and you are like this (well built)"

"yup, that's becos I work out"

"uhm okay"


The waiter brought our food after 15 minutes and we munched on it.

"ayush I was wondering maybe I should take you meet my parents tomorrow" he said and I was already grinning.

"yeah sure" I smiled.

"I love you so much Farhan, don't ever leave me pls" she added.

"I will never insha Allah" he stressed the insha Allah.

He paid the bills then we went to cinema and watched maleficent mistress of the evil.

"where will you like to go now" he said when we got out of the theatre.

"ice cream?" he asked typing away on his phone.

"yes" I replied then we went to cold stone.

"mi amor hwat flavour" he asked when we got to cold stone.

"no don't tell me, I know" he said stroking his chin dramatically.

"Oreo" he said.

"yup you got that right handsome" she smiled.

He brought the ice cream and pizza then we went to dunes. He bought me a teady bear that says i love you.

 He bought me a teady bear that says i love you

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