Chapter 1

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I woke up in the morning and prayed subh, then I grabbed my phone to call Ya Haidar cause I miss him alot, it has been long we talked ever since he got back to America with his family.

After having a short chat with Ya Haidar over the phone, I decided to take a nap before 8:00am


"Aisha!" Mami yelled as she bang on my door, entered my room and pulled my duvet.

"Aisha!!" she said tapping me.

"na'am mami" (yes mom) I replied yawning.

"you are still not ready" Mami said angrily

"it's already 11:35am" she added.

"oops am getting ready now" I said.

"okay hurry up and get down to eat your breakfast before it gets cold" she said walking out of the room.

I stood up and went into my large bathroom and freshened up. I came out of the bath room and dried my long silky hair then walked into my closet and voila I brought out a crazy loose jeans, with white shirt, short kimono and a matching veil.

I wore my clothes and tied my hair in a messy bun and applied light make up on my face.

"Ayush!" mama yelled.

"ayush your breakfast is getting cold" she added.

"Gani nan zuwa" (am coming) I said and grabbed my car keys, phone, books and stuff it in my bag, wore my apple watch, took my veil and draped it then went downstairs and straight to the dining area.

I munched on my French fries and scramble egg, then went to the living room.

I greeted Mami and Baba then went straight to the parking lot, I hopped In my Mercedes Benz, as I went to the black metal gate it automatically opened and i drove to Baze University.


When I got to baze university I parked my car and off to my department, well I want to be an architect.

On my way I heard a familiar voice "Indo" I turned to look and it's Fatima (Fatima is my best friend, birthday mate, course mate and also human diary)

"Binta yakike" (how are you)

"am fine" she replied as we got into the lecture hall. I sat down beside Fatima and the lecturer came in and started his boring lectures and was done 2:00pm dot, gave us assignment and pheww.

We went to the cafeteria, I saw Farhan (my boyfriend) he's in his second to the last year, Fatima and I went and sat down where he is.

"hey love" i said smiling

"hey pretty, yakike" he asked

"am fine, you?" I asked

" am fine too" he said

we had a short chat and I decided to go home, I bid Fatima and Farhan and drove back home...



I got back from work as am the CEO of my Dad's company; The AYEBEE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Ayebee as IB and am in my final year in Baze University. Well I want to be an architect.

I was so tired so I decided to greet mama and Bappa before going to my room.

I walked into bappa's parlour and I saw him and mama watching CNN "salamu alaikum" I announced my presence.

"wa alaikumul salam" they both said in a unison.

"ina yini" I greeted them.

"Lafiya kalau" they both replied

"ya aiki da school" mama asked

"lafiya" I replied.

"you look tired go and take some rest" Bappa said in a low tune

"yes I will send kulu to keep your lunch" mama said

"okay thank you" I replied walking out of the parlour and straight to my apartment.

Immediately I got in my room i hopped on my king sized bed, I was feeling lazy to take a shower.

I finally decided to go, I got into my large bathroom, took a hot long shower and got out then walked into my closet and got dressed in a black sweat pant and grey shirt then hopped on my bed.

I took my phone from the bedside drawer after eating my lunch, I decided to call my girlfriend Safina and she answered after 3 rings.

"hey handsome" she said at the other end.

"hey love" I replied.

"how are you" she asked

"am good, I really miss you my love" I replied.

"aww I miss you too and what's up you sound tired" she asked.

"yeah I am, I just got back from work and things are a little hectic" I replied massaging my temple.

"ohh sorry get some rest then" she said.

"I love you" she added.

"I love you too" I hung up, I dropped my phone on the bedside drawer just then Fatima barged into my room.

"ya Amir!" Fatima yelled.

"keh, ever heard of knocking" I fired back.

"yeah I think so" she replied.

"worreva what do you want" i said

"I want you to tell me this thing about digital mapping" she said and I explained her assignment to her.

She was so happy so she jumped on me "ahh Fatima what are you eating you are getting heavy" I said laughing hard then I looked at her already red face, she has turned red like a tomato.

"awwwn my lil sis is angry am sorry" I said pulling her cheeks

"favourite sister" I added

"well duh am your only sister" she said and sashayed out of the room.

"finally some peace" I said to myself and hopped on my cozy bed then fell into a deeeeeeeep slumber.

Heyyo! how are you? So here's the first chapter, watcha think? hope u love it. I need your support pls 🙏🏽🙏🏽 this is my first book on this platform so please bare with me.


With love ✨💜

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