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Quick A/N:
I changed my mind, I'm just going to make Shuichi overly obsessed and dominate! Also, there's very suggested and mature themes! Read at your own risk! Triggering themes as well as smut could be present, again, not sure.
Kokichi's POV:

I wake up to the incredibly annoying announcement. I slowly open my eyes and sit up before stretching. I have a bad feeling about today... I try to brush it aside and get ready for the day.

I tie my scarf around my neck as I look in the mirror. Something bad is going to happen today, I just know it. Maybe I should just stay in bed? No, no, I have to push through today. I sigh and grab my pocket knife as I leave. I don't intend on using it, but I will if I have to.

I smile brightly before skipping out of my room. I skip all the way to the dining hall and push the doors open. "Good morning!" I exclaim to a bunch of exhausted students. I won't lie, I'm pretty tired as well, but I'm going to keep my perky attitude.

I earn a few groans from people as I walk past them to the kitchen so that I can get my panta. I open the fridge and get my panta before heading back to the dining hall. "Good morning, Shumai~" I chirp happily sitting down the emo detective.

"Good morning, Ouma-Kun." Shuichi responds tiredly. Shuichi yawns before picking at his food. I notice him glance at me while I sip my panta.

"Want a sip?" I hold it over to Shuichi. He looks super tempted before taking the bottle and sipping it. I feel a slight blush, and as does Shuichi.

"Thanks." Shuichi responds, seeming a little less tired. Caffeine works wonders, I guess.

A few moments pass before Monokuma's demonic ass voice comes over the TV. "Hey, kiddos! Head on over to the gym for your next motive!" I, along with several others, groan in annoyance.

"God, when will this fuckin' virgin quit!" Miu shouts storming off to the gym. Everyone follows her to the gym and Monokuma comes up on the stage. I knew that something bad was gonna happen today.

"Alright, so one of you will be getting memories back!" Monokuma exclaims. A lot of us look very confused, myself being one of them. What the hell does he mean by memories?

"Ooh! What memories?" I ask eagerly, masking my worry.

"Before you were trapped here of course! I can't say anymore than that. But, the student that gets their memories back, will be randomly chosen with this wheel!" Monokuma explains as a wheel with everyone's name pops up out of nowhere.

"Let's give it a spin!" The demonic bear exclaims spinning the wheel before any of us could say anything. I brace myself for if it lands on my name. What is this going to do? What's gonna happen if someone regains their memories or whatever?'

After a few seconds, but what felt like hours, the wheel slows before stopping completely. I look up at the name and freeze.

Shuichi Saihara

Oh God! Please, anyone but him... I watch as Shuichi tenses up in horror. "Fuck..." He mutters. Monokuma hauls him over to the stage and sits him down in a chair. He straps Shuichi down to the chair and you can clearly tell in my face that I'm worried. Shuichi visibly looks nervous as a helmet is lowered onto his head.

Shuichi's now visibly shaking as Monokuma pulls out a controller of somesort. He presses a button and the helmet send electrical shocks to Shuichi's head. Shuichi's screams of agony fill the room and a few people, including me, cover their mouths.

Monokuma continues pressing buttons, tormenting Shuichi until he goes limp. Monokuma hits two more buttons before removing the helmet off of Shuichi. He unstraps Shuichi and pushes him onto the floor with a thud.

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