ꕥThe Liar's Truthꕥ

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Shuichi's POV:

        Kokichi runs ahead of all of us to find her dead in the middle of the floor in the hallway. Miu and I are left to ponder what in the hell just happened. "He does that sometimes, just don't bring it up." I let Miu know. She nods as I walk slowly towards Tenko. It looks like pure fear is frozen on her face, such despair for one girl. Kokichi crouches down as Himiko pulls the body away from him.

"Look, Yumeno, I know you lost her, but we need to examine her. Angie's dead, and now Tenko is. You can't be much help, so step back and let the detectives handle it." Kokichi harshly advises the red head. Himiko starts fuming at Kokichi.

"You're such an insensitive bastard! Nobody gave you any shit after the last motive! We were never insensitive towards you!" Himiko exclaims, red in the face. I'm ready to step in when Miu grabs my shoulder to stop me.

"Boohoo, I told you to let go of your girlfriend so that Shuichi could investigate what happened. That wasn't me being insensitive! It was me being firm, and letting you know that you're not useful in this situation, and neither is Miu, Gonta, Kiyo, and a few others. So fucking relax, please." Kokichi retorts, really annoyed. I understand him though. She can't mention the motive to him, it makes him anxious, although he'd never show it, or let me help him.

"He's right, Himiko, you have to let me investigate, unless you want all of to end up like her." I step in, crouching beside Kokichi. Himiko looks skeptical before letting go of tenko and wiping her eyes.

"Fine, just get the idiot who did this to Tenko." She stands up before walking down the hallway. Kokichi sighs before closing Tenko's eyes.

"Two down this time. I wonder what in the hell happened." Kokichi sighs, scanning the body with his eyes. I do the same, checking for every injury.

"Yeah, me too, you only have to murder one person to win. Then again, in Trigger Happy Havoc, Celestia killed two people, and in Super Danganronpa Two, Mikan killed both Hiyoko and Ibuki. Wait a second... Hiyoko, and Hifumi were unplanned murders, or necessary murders to win the game." I think out loud. Everyone looks at me as if I've lost my damn mind, but I'm onto something. "Hifumi was killed because Celeste couldn't have anyone snitch, and Hiyoko was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Wait, I know! Was one of them an accidental murder?" I bable. Kokichi looks over to me, a small smile on his lips.

"Could be, I'm not sure though. There's only one way to find out! C'mon let's go check Angie's body for anything." Kokichi says as he stands up. I follow him, leaving the sickle impaled girl behind.

"You bitch!" Maki exclaims as Kokichi's in sight. I immediately pull him back behind me as Maki lunges forward. I catch her wrists as she tries to punch.

"Step the fuck away from Kokichi before the body discovery plays for a third time."

"You wouldn't dare." Maki hisses, not even trying to get away from me.

"I wouldn't dare? Kaito and Kokichi were right there when I held a knife up to your throat, ready to slit it. They're both here now, aren't they?" I taunt, glancing at Kaito, who isn't sure what he should do.  Fucking coward! He does nothing to help the woman he loves, how pathetic.

"Alright, c'mon Shuichi, I can't have you getting executed." Kokichi says, patting my back. I stand down and drop Maki's wrist. She sighs before stepping back. Her red eyes, flaring with anger and determination. Kaito steers his attention back to Angie.

"Wow, look at you, all power Shuichi. You're like a dog on a leash held by a pathetic excuse for a leader." Maki hisses, glaring both Kokichi and myself. I nearly rip Maki's throat out, bur Kokichi sighs behind me.

"Yeah, well this pathetic leader can let go of the leash at any given moment, and let his 'dog' fucking kill you. So I suggest you shut the fuck up and move alone to Tenko's body." Kokichi snaps back, stepping in front of me. Maki just narrows her eyes before walking past us to Tenko's body. "And you! Why the fuck are you telling people that I murdered Angie?! You saw me discovering her goddamn body! Not killing her!"

"Relax, I only told her what I saw, and that was you hovering over Angie's body." Kaito replies, standing up. I sigh, leaning against the doorframe, knowing that they're about to bicker.

"Okay, people assume things, dickwad!" Kokichi exclaims, raging.

"And that's my fault how?!" Kaito argues back.

"You should know not to say that kind of shit to people! Now everyone's gonna think I'm a murder!" Kokichi retorts, crossing his arms.

"Who's a murder?" Kiibo asks, coming into the room. I chuckle under my breath while shaking my head.

"Kokichi!" Kaito exclaims.

"Oh, you mother fucker! I am not a murder!" Kokichi exclaims, growing even more frustrated. "God, you people annoy the living shit out of me!"

I smile at his outburst. His emotional confusion is only making him one more step closer to my Kichi again. "Come on, Kokichi, we're gonna go investigate more." I chuckle. Kokichi gives up, letting me lead him out of there.

~ (Sorry I need to skip to after the trail- I'm losing motivation for this story. Please read the ending message! Thank you!)

After Kiyo was found as a murder, and boiled alive, Kokichi sits on my lap in his dorm. He looks sad, and really down in the dumps. His hair hangs over his beautiful eyes, and a small frown is upon his lips. "What's the matter, love?"

"Angie told me I should try something, so I'm gonna try it." I explain, looking into Shuichi's eyes now. Exhaling, I wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm not me anymore, and I don't know what's happening to me..."

Shuichi tilts his head, a soft smile on his lips. "My dear, I know exactly what you're talking about. Your memories are flooding back now, and you're becoming less like yourself. It's only a matter of time, dearest."

"Wait, you know what's happening to me?" I ask, leaning away from Shuichi.

"Of course I do. You're gonna be just fine, Kokichi." Shuichi reassures. I lean my head on his shoulder, trying to relax, maybe this won't be so bad...or maybe it will. I'll have a clearer head in the morning.


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