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Kokichi's POV:

Shuichi and I roam the halls of the school, nothing really in mind. It's a little bit past dinner, so I'd assume around seven? "You know, Kichi, I've never told you about where we met, so how did you know?" Shuichi asks me, seeming to already know the answer.

"Well, I had a dream, but it felt so real. I was just a spectator watching everything." I explain to the taller boy. He smiles brightly before muttering something I can't quite make out.

"So it was a memory, not just a dream." Shuichi points out the obvious. I nod my head once, and Shuichi stops walking. He sighs before hugging me.

"What's this for? I mean not that I'm complaining." I question, hugging shuichi back. He kisses my head before rubbing circles on my back. I feel so drawn to Shuichi, and it kind of scares me, but I also feel protected and safe at the same time.

"I love you. I don't ever want to lose you! I can't live without you." Shuichi says, placing a hand on the back of my head. I smile and hold onto Shuichi's jacket.

"You won't lose me, okay? Promise." I reply to the taller. Shuichi smiles before holding my hand. "Come on, I wanna do something."

I smile as Shuichi drags me through the school until we get to the gym. I look on the stage and there sits a small record player. Shuichi drops my hand before tending to the record player. I look around the gym for a moment before the sound of music floods my ears. Shuichi and I both smile, brightly as the music plays. It's the kind of music you'd hear in the seventies or eighties! Perfect for dancing.

"My dearest Kichi, will you dance with me?" Shuichi asks, holding his hand out. I take his hand and Shuichi positions us so that his hand is on my waist, and my hand is on his shoulder. Shuichi holds my other hand as Shuichi starts to sway us to the music. I feel as if instinct takes over and I just start dancing as if I know how...

Nobody's POV:

     The two boys continue to waltz around the gym to the classical past music. The room is filled with nothing but comfort and love. Kokichi accidently trips once, and the two laugh it off. Kokichi twirls out of Shuichi's grasp, only to be pulled back in.

"Holy shit-." Miu gasps, watching the two from afar.

"Oh my God, this is too cute-." Tsumugi whispers, peaking through the cracked gym doors as well.

"Atua says they should get married." Angie says, also peaking.

"They look so happy." Kiibo comments.

"Yeah, if only Kirumi was here to see Kokichi..." Miu says, without thinking at all.

"I agree, Kirumi loved Kokichi a lot." Tenko chimes in.

"Yeah, yeah, shh! Look!" Tsumugi whisper-yells at the teens. Everyone crowds around the door to see what the cosplayer meant.

Shuichi dips Kokichi before kissing him gently. Kokichi's too happy to grow embarrassed. Shuichi lifts him back up on his feet before feeling Kokichi's head collide with his shoulder. "I love you." He says, but it's muffled because of Shuichi's shoulder.

"I love you too, Kichi." Shuichi responds, love laced in his tone.

Meanwhile, beyond the door, Tsumugi almost passes out. "They're too cute together!"

"Yeah, why am I here again?" Maki asks, her tone obviously annoyed.

"Because Kaito wanted to come along, and seeing as you go everywhere Kaito goes, it was only appropriate for you to join us." Korekiyo points out. Maki sighs before playing with a strand of her dark hair.

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